
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Morning Devotion - Prov. 28

Read Proverbs 28

There is much in this chapter about wealth and poverty. While wealth can be a blessing, yet it is better to have integrity than wealth (6), and understanding can achieve some things that wealth cannot (11). It is not a worthy goal to hasten to be rich. The one who does so will not go unpunished (20). There is a seeking after wealth and a stingy greediness that countenances the abuse of the poor. Wealth obtained that way will not ultimately last (8, 22, 25, 27).

How we seek and use wealth is one important aspect of the law of God. This chapter has some useful things to say about the law more generally. There is a contrast made here between one who keeps the law and one who forsakes it (4, 7). If you will ever keep the law, you must hear it with a ready heart. The man who will not hear God's word in this way will not be heard by Him, and will ultimately fall (9, 14, 18). The way to God's mercy will come not through concealing transgressions and increasing in them, but through confession and true repentance (13).

There is a man of power who would be a cruel oppressor over his own people (15), but the mercy of God comes to us not through any such man, but through the righteous King Jesus Christ who has walked in integrity (17). Those who have found his mercy through faith and who demonstrate true faith through hearing His word and seeking righteousness will be as bold as lions (1).

When the Lion of Judah returns, surely the greedy and the wicked will perish, but the righteous will rejoice.

Do not be deceived by prophets of ungodly gain. Serve the Master and not the mammon.


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