Isaiah 30
It is a disturbing fact of human history that when individuals or nations find themselves in mortal danger they often turn to supposed helpers that will not do them any good. The criminal who has been caught may seek help from a better thief rather than truly listen to someone who can lead in a direction of honest labor. The student who has not been diligent in his studies may turn to the one who is willing to help him cheat, rather than to the tutor who can help make the class more understandable or to the friend who could provide some healthy accountability. In Isaiah 30, it is the nation who God once rescued from the greedy clutches of Egypt, now facing the threat of the Assyrians, who turns back again to Egypt as a potential savior.
Why would
Despite this horrible testimony of rebellion, the Lord is resolutely determined to be gracious to
Our God is happy to bless us. He is not looking to end our story in affliction and failure. He is not stingy with anything that we would need as we seek first His kingdom. He knows our needs and He will provide according to His riches in glory. Is there some reason that you have decided that Jesus Christ does not desire to shower you with very many blessings today? Is it at least possible that He has only been humbling you for your good and that you need to seek His direction today for the way that you should go? If you are not seeking first the Kingdom of Christ in your life, if you are withholding your tithes and your time and efforts from His church, if you have taken vows that you are not keeping, if you are ignoring the inner testimony of a convicting conscience in some area of your life, you have chosen a road that is unnecessarily troublesome. Is there some reason that you have determined to make things harder upon yourself and others than they need to be?
God is very capable of providing speedy deliverance. His success rate is far above all earthly powers. He can bind up the brokenness of His people. He can use whatever methods He wishes to speak like a friend to hundreds in our town, “This is the way. Walk in it.” Let us then be willing to rest in the Savior who worked for our salvation. Let us return to Him again this very moment in quietness and trust. We will see the blessing of the Lord. He alone does wondrous things. Blessed be His glorious name forever.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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