Isaiah 57
One of the most pervasive spiritual ideas in our world today is at odds with the Bible and with true Christian theology. That idea is something close to universalism. It seems, according to this false idea, that almost everyone is really on God’s team regardless of what they think of Jesus Christ and without consideration of their involvement in the mission of the church. While people are willing to concede that there may be a place of eternal punishment, the way there seems to be very narrow and there are few that find it. Nearly everyone is apparently on the wide road to heaven.
This is a reversal of the Biblical testimony on the matter, but even if that idea was granted, and so many secret believers actually have eternal life, it should be obvious to everyone that regardless of the great mercy of God (which is faithful even when we are faithless), those who will not sacrifice much for the work of the progress of Christ’s kingdom through the church on earth today, are of very little use here below. Leaving eternity aside for the moment, we need committed followers of Jesus Christ now who are willing to consider the sacrificial lifestyle that they need to embrace today for the work that God has for us here under the sun.
If you are willing to truly live the righteous life of those who will seek first the kingdom, then you can be assured of this: If your life is taken away from you, you will enter into peace. You do not need to wait for the day of your death for that blessedness to be yours. You should be able to sleep well tonight, though there may be many things that disturb you deeply in both the church and the world.
Those who live in unrighteousness can have no peace. When the true and living God refers to such people as sons of sorceresses, can there be any peace for them? Their lives testify against them. The ones who burn with lust, who slaughter their children, who make their bed in a field of idolatry, who make covenants with false deities, can all be well with them?
Yet in the days of Isaiah and in every generation there are those who want the outward label of “covenant-keeper” but who actually prefer false gods. False gods have their own doctrines. They have their own moral order. They have their own practices of worship. God is not impressed with the variety of our religious ideas and practices. He expects us to take His Word seriously and to obey His commandments. If we insist on worshiping false gods, then we will be directed to our wood and stone gods in the day of trouble. God says, “Maybe those things that you worship can help you.” Can money, prestige, and pleasure be our hope? Is that your practical theology? If so, God may direct you to lifeless and worthless pieces of paper, flattering tongues of passing strangers/co-workers/bosses/customers, and fleeting impulses of comfort and titillation that fade so quickly that we wonder why we ever cared once we get what we want. God says to His people, “You worshipped these idols rather than me. Let them deliver you from trouble.”
God’s plan for us is so much better. He invites us to take refuge in Him and to listen to His Word as obedient and grateful children. Why is this so hard for us? He promises us that such wise and holy faith and behavior will bring us a great blessing. Even in the day of present affliction, the Lord will dwell with us. What a comfort! One who is high above the heavens, who inhabits eternity, whose name is “Holy,” He will happily dwell with the one who is of a contrite and lowly spirit.
Even more that, God has promised to heal us. While we may not see our healing in the present moment, the promise is entirely secure. Perhaps our only concern when we hear such good news is the question of how much righteousness is enough in order to have assurance of God’s presence and His healing power. We know that the Lord demands perfect righteousness, but we also know that those who God calls righteous in Christ have been credited with the perfect righteousness of Christ through faith in His name. This is the essence of the good news that we preach and believe. Christ Jesus came to save sinners. Through faith in Him I have perfect righteousness, and the provision of a new heart that has an orientation toward the new life that He has for His children.
This is the gospel peace that Christ speaks to His disciples. There can be no peace for the wicked who insist on being separate from the Lord. May the God who has loved us with such an extravagant love not only save us for eternity, but also redirect us more and more even now, that our lives under the sun will be increasingly fruitful for the progress of His kingdom and the glory of His name.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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