Jeremiah 10
Some children are easily distracted. They have a way of paying attention to things that they care about, but then when a mother or father might direct a young one toward an unfinished chore, or a behavior pattern that requires correction, the son or daughter may find everything else much more interesting than the words they need to listen to most. God calls His people to hear Him, but they seem to be more interested in what the gods of the nations seem to be saying or doing.
In this chapter the prophet makes some important contrasts between lifeless idols and the living God. Surely His people should see the obvious contrast and turn back to Him! The idols they have become fascinated by are objects made by a craftsman. They cannot really do anything. They can’t speak. They can’t walk. They can’t really do any evil, then again they can’t really do any good.
God, on the other hand, is great, in fact He is great even among the nations that are completely idolatrous. He is called the King of the nations, because He runs every nation by His wise providence. He should be feared by everyone. There is no one like Him. This is such a tremendous understatement. In the universe we have the Triune God, we have angels and fallen angels, we have man, we have the remaining visible creatures, and that is all we have. There are no other gods. Still men fashion their own idols and dress them up. They make them look like animals or people. In their false worship, these idols are sometimes associated with demons. But they are still nothing.
At root, an idol itself may just be a block of wood. But God is alive and true – the source of all life and truth. He is the One who will bring every work and word into judgment. He has the power to create and to destroy, to reward beyond your widest dreams and to punish you in ways that you could not possibly endure. Of course, all men should fear him, particularly those who have been taught His law from their earliest days.
The idols will not be able to stand the test of the Day of Judgment. They are only stubble to be consumed. The makers and worshipers of idols will be put to shame on that day. Their images are empty and false, and they have become like them. They are works of delusion. But God formed all things, and especially made
God will send His people flying from the land like a stone in a sling. Their homes, their bodies, their children – all will be destroyed by invaders from the North. In the mystery of God’s plan, God will use a godless idol-worshipping nation to discipline His wayward people. His people who remember Him call out for correction, but not in the fullness of the wrath of God that they could not stand. They look for Him to put the full force of His holy wrath only upon those enemies who have hated the Lord’s people.
It is one of the most amazing facts of redemption history that God poured out the fullness of His wrath upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Here was the delight of the Father, known perfectly and eternally, without any fault or sin. This one Savior deserved not the slightest expression of displeasure. This Messiah’s obedience was complete. Furthermore, this one great man was also fully God – God with God from before creation. He was no lifeless idol who could not hear, or speak, or act. As the Lord of Hosts Himself, He had legions of angels at His command when He willingly faced the hatred of evil men and the holy wrath of God against us.
We should hear the plain truth about the Son of God. He is not merely a man. He is no angel. He certainly is no man-made idol. There is no one like Him. No one is like Him in His power. No one is like Him in His wisdom. No one is like Him in His holiness. No one is like Him in His love. This Messiah is our mighty God, visiting us with His mercy purchased by His own blood.
One day He will come again. He will come with the righteous wrath of God against sinners. This time He will not die a death for anyone. That has already been accomplished. This time the fullness of divine wrath will not be against Him, but against those who do not know Him and who do not obey the gospel. Now is the time to rid our hearts and minds of every false idol. Now is the time to worship the Lord God, our Messiah. There is no one like Him. Listen carefully to His entreaties, and turn away from all foolish distractions that you may serve the true and living God.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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