Prayers based on Colossians
Colossians 1
Great God and King, You have sent forth apostles in former days proclaiming the glory and suffering of the life of faith in Christ. Thank You for this good Word, and help us to walk in a manner worthy of Your Son. Grant to us spiritual power that we might give thanks to You for the forgiveness of sins. We glorify Your Name, O Lord, for the greatness of Your Son. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. All Your fullness dwells in Him. We have a full reconciliation in Him as we continue in the faith. Thank You for the opportunity to testify to Your glory day by day. Through lives of gospel love we rejoice in the truth that Your Son is alive in us.
Colossians 2
Lord God, in Your Son is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Help us to reject false philosophies and deceitful traditions that would take us away from the greatness of the person and work of Your Son. We were dead in sin, but through our great Savior we have been made alive through His cross and resurrection. Teach us not to settle for shadows when we have been given the glory of Christ within us and among us in Your church. We have died in Christ. Let us not return to worldly religious practices that may appear holy and disciplined, but are of no value in our fight against sin.
Colossians 3
Father, we are with Christ in heavenly realms. Therefore we earnestly seek those things which are above. Help us to turn away from all ugly thoughts, words, and actions. These will do us no good. Help us to put on compassion, forgiveness, and love. May the peace of Your Son and the dignity of His Word dwell in our hearts richly as we sing to You with joy. Help us to live appropriately in all relationships, particularly within our families. We want to serve You, O God, for Your Son died for us, and we are alive in Him.
Colossians 4
Great King and Master, we want to be kind to all. Help us, O Lord. Grant us graciousness and true wisdom, that we might conduct ourselves well in this passing world. Help us to love the brothers and sisters throughout Your church. We are thankful for the love that You have granted to us for You and for Your entire household. Fill us with Your grace moment by moment, that we might live as followers of our great Redeemer.
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