
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Prayers based on Galatians

Galatians 1

God of Glory, You have sent us apostles to speak to us the message of Christ. Help us to hold fast to the gospel that we have received, the one message of the good news of our redemption through Jesus. We want to please You, who we would serve in this one gospel. We would not want to use our gifts as instruments of wickedness as in former days. Help us to look to You as our Master and our Father, and to glorify You with lives of obedient love and joy.

Galatians 2

Father God, You lead us in paths of gospel service, for You have redeemed us for Your purposes. We do not want to yield even for a moment to false doctrines that destroy true Christian living. We lift up to You those who are in need, and pray that we might be of good use to others today. Make our conduct to be in accord with the gospel that we believe. We know that we are not justified by our service or by any other works of the Law. We have died to the Law that we might live to You. Help us to live and serve others by faith, for by faith in Your great Son we have been justified.

Galatians 3

Great Protector of Your Children, keep us in the faith that has been preached to us. Fill us with Your Spirit as we hear Your Word. We follow Abraham of old, the man of faith. He believed and it was credited to Him as righteousness. Your Son became a curse for us, so that in Him the blessing of Abraham might come even to us. Your promises to Your Son have been secured by His blood. Your Word is sure and eternal. The great Seed of the woman has come and has accomplished our redemption. Righteousness is by faith in Him. Keep us captive to this gospel, that we might have the true liberty of Your children. We remember our baptism this day, for we are one in Christ, and have been cleansed and forgiven as heirs according to Your promise.

Galatians 4

Lord God, what a wonderful truth it is that we have been adopted into Your family. Thank you for the gift of Your Son. We have now received even the Spirit of Your Son, and we cry out to You as our heavenly Father. Help us to resist the temptation to return to foolish and dead works that can save no one. Give us again hearts of true charity based on the excellent message of the gospel. Together with Your church throughout the world, help us to live by faith in Christ. We are partakers of a better covenant. We are citizens of the Jerusalem that is above and children of the promise. Help us in the day of persecution to be faithful to Your Son and to the message of truth that we have received.

Galatians 5

Almighty Father, thank You for the freedom that we have through Christ. Thank You that we have been freed from bondage to the Law. Grant us now a true faith that works through love. Help us to hold to the truth of the freedom that we have through the victory of the cross of Christ. Protect Your church from false teaching, and help us to love one another. Teach us to walk by the Spirit, and keep us from being led by the flesh. We turn away from godlessness. Grant us the fruit of the Spirit in increasing measure. We belong to Jesus Christ, and we are thankful for Your everlasting love.

Galatians 6

Merciful Lord, keep us from the pathway of temptation, and help us to rescue those who wander from the truth. Lord, if we sow to our own flesh, what kind of good will we reap? We want to do what is right, and to resist evil. We turn away from false shows of religious superiority. Our boast is not in our own works, but in the cross of Christ. Grant to us a kind of resurrection life that is evidence of a new creation that could only have come from You.


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