Ezekiel 38
In this section of Ezekiel’s prophecy the prophet is leading us into the great fulfillment of all of God’s plans. Before we are introduced to the new visionary
The various nations and peoples that are mentioned in these chapters are symbolic place-holders for the host of foreign lands from every side that would seem to converge against the people of God in the Promised Land. Rather than being a special code for some future political entities, they stand for the beast of the world/false church coming against the true people of God in the final battle of the ages. At the head of this unholy world is a singular figure, who would lead the world against the
That temple has a river flowing from it. This river flows into the sea turns the water there into fresh water. This is just one detail in the extended symbolic picture of New Covenant expansion and the culmination of the Lord’s glorious kingdom. We will examine these details in the chapters ahead as we are able. What we need to see now is that these visionary chapters are not for our speculation concerning secret events of future millennia. They are visionary representations of what is presented in very clear language in other parts of the Scriptures. We are richer for these visionary passages, provided that we do not use them to overturn the clearer passages that speak of the Lord’s decrees for the ages.
Ezekiel lived in the Old Covenant age. That age is now gone. Since the coming of the Messiah and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit we have lived in the New Covenant Age. In this age the gospel must be preached to all the nations. At the end of this age there will be a great apostasy associated with one figure of rebellion from within the church. He will only be able to go so far. At just the right time Christ will return bringing the age to come including the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment. Within this framework it should be clear that this Gog of Magog is the coming figure of rebellion and “the nations that are at the four corners of the earth” that he represents. This is precisely what John says in Revelation 20:8. Such a man together with all His allies will be utterly defeated at the return of Christ in glory.
In this great drama of the ages, Gog of Magog must play his part according to the sovereignty of God. It is as if the Lord is giving him instructions here so that he will not miss his cue. How humiliating! His evil thoughts and schemes are well-known to God, and fit into His larger plan of grace. Gog will play his part, but our holy God, the God of His chosen people, will be vindicated and His people will be rescued.
This Gog is not the only player in the Lord’s drama of the end of this current age. The Sword of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, will come in glory. God’s wrath will be aroused against this Gog. There will be a great earthquake that seems to be like the expected trumpet blast mentioned in other passages. This will signal the rolling up of this created order, and the appearing of the new heavens and the new earth. God will send His Sword against Gog, and He will enter into judgment against this enemy of the Lord and His people. He and His hordes will meet their final defeat, thought it had appeared for a moment that they would overwhelm the church. This will be a great revelation of God’s glory.
To what can we compare this amazing display of the Lord’s wrath? It is bigger than the flood. It is far more spectacular than the destruction of
There is only one event that can compare. That event may not have seemed like much to the undiscerning observer, though it was also attended by an earthquake and darkness in the heavens. On that day the wrath of God did not come down upon a violent horde of enemies. God’s justice came against one sinless Man, the beloved Son of the Most High God, the one who will come again as the double-edged Sword of the Lord, who is Himself the Word of God. The cross of Christ, together with His resurrection, ascension, and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, was a sign of the turning of the age. Through the cross, the fury of the Lord’s just retribution fell on one sinless Substitute.
Away with foolish speculations! Nothing must detract from this one clear biblical fact: The judgment you deserved at the hands of a holy God has either been faced by Jesus Christ when He died for His people, or you must face His judgment among the many who want only the destruction of His Son, His gospel, and His church. This is the stark fact that we must consider: Who is more beautiful to your heart, the mighty Gog of Magog who comes to kill, or the Christ of heaven who came to die?
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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