Amos 1
The prophet Amos brought a very bold message to the northern kingdom in his day. He came to them not so much as a brash prophet from the southern
The prophet begins his message with the Lord’s indictment of the nations. In this first chapter he addresses the nations of
Each indictment in these early verses follows a given pattern. There is the identification of the nation within the formulaic words “For three transgressions, and for four.” There is the announcement of the Lord’s settled determination to bring punishment upon that land. There is a representative infraction that is different for each nation mentioned. Finally there is a statement of the trouble that is coming, in all cases linked to the military victory of the Assyrians that would mean destruction and exile for so many nations in that day.
It is the representative transgression that is most interesting to consider. Of course, all of these nations are guilty of more than three or four sins. What is it that the Lord sees at the head of the list of their offensive ways? The Syrians with their capital of Damascus (not to be confused with Assyrians and their capital of Ninevah), have shown a fierce cruelty against the neighboring tribes of Israel in that part of the land known as Gilead, east of the Jordan river. The Philistines have carried another nation into exile, delivering them to their captors in a third nation. The Phoenicians have done the same thing, but have the added offence that they betrayed another nation in violation of covenant obligations. The Edomites are the ones who bought this exiled people from the Philistines and the Phoenicians, and they did so not to merely profit from them, but to destroy them. They hated the Israelites, though they were brothers, since Jacob the ancestor of the Israelites and Esau the ancestor of the Edomites were twin brothers. The Ammonites are indicted because of their atrocities against pregnant women in this same region of
All of these nations have hated God’s people. They have been willing to use their power with no sense of the God of the earth, who is also the God of the people of
As mighty as the Assyrians are, there is One who is far more powerful. The Lord is the most frightening Adversary. He is aware of the sins of the nations. In particular, He keeps His people in His gaze at all times, for we are the apple of His eye. Those who hate the Lord’s people are guilty of an attack against Christ.
The Son of God knows what it is like to have God Himself as an adversary. This is what happened on the cross. An Enemy far more terrifying than the armies of the Assyrians came upon His own beloved son for us. He came as a Lion against the prey. He was like a raging fire against our Christ. He came as a devouring foe against our Messiah. He blew like the worst tempest against the One on the cross who was both the Son of Man and the Son of God. This is what was necessary in order for our sin to be atoned for.
The Lion of the tribe of
posted by Pastor Magee @ 12:00 PM
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