Nahum 2
The story of the Bible can be told according to the idea of scattering and gathering. The scattering part is bad, but often necessary. The final plan of the Lord calls for the gathering of His flock in a place of the greatest peace and blessing. We are moving toward that great gathering. As part of the Lord’s plan to gather His people, along the way it has often been necessary for Him to scatter those who would desire to thwart His perfect plan. We see that at the
This world during this present evil age is a very dangerous place. As we have been warned by the Lord Jesus prior to His death, the age of the gospel in which we live is an age of birth pains. The resurrection age is coming, but not without pain. Nation will rise against nation. There would seem to be a continual stream of winners and losers, accompanied by much injury and destruction. This has been the way since sin and death entered the world through one man. No nation can afford to ignore the brutal truth of the troubles of their times. In their national pride, powerful peoples may think that they will never fall. The truth is that the Assyrians will face the Babylonians. The Medes, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans will each come in their own time, and all of this even before the gospel goes out to all the nations of the world, and the church faces the brutal persecution that comes from her enemies. Because of the dangers all around them, it would be necessary for the Assyrians to man the ramparts; watch the road; dress for battle; collect all their strength. Though they might dream that they alone would never fall, every empire of men that dreams that theirs is the final kingdom is in for a violent disappointment.
The final kingdom will be the Lord’s kingdom, a new
That kind of effort will only fail, just as
There is much for us to learn through the story of history. Are we proud in our own strength? Many have been there before us. They became the subject of the taunt songs of their conquerors.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 12:00 AM
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