Prayer based on Leviticus 4
Lord God, our sin has brought guilt upon us and trouble upon many. Please forgive us. In former days, the priests and rulers of the people had special temptations. When they sinned, there was a duty according to Your Law to shed blood for the sins of those in positions of authority and service. We now have a perfectly pure High Priest. He needs no offering for His own sin, for He has none. He is also the King of Your church. What a great joy it is to have a Ruler over us who is spotless and without blemish. Though our Head is sinless, the body of Your worshipers is still marred by impurity, both in each member individually, and in the congregation as a whole. What an amazing mercy it is, that our King and Priest has willingly offered up Himself to You as our substitute, and has become the spotless offering for our sin through His death on the cross. Through Him we are regarded as holy in Your sight. We praise You and thank You, O Lord!
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