
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Prayer based on Leviticus 13

O God, the horror of leprous diseases of various kinds was a powerful sign of the trouble that we have all around us. We are not awake to sensations of true spiritual danger as we should be. The damage upon our lives has been substantial, and we bear the marks of death on our bodies and in our minds. Thanks be to You, O God, for sending Your Son. He has touched the leper and has made him clean. The deep insensitivity within us that seemed incurable has been healed by the touch of Jesus Christ. Our consciences have been awakened again. Much of the damage in our lives from times of ugly darkness has already been powerfully addressed by Your Son. What remains as memorials of rebellion against You will surely be completely healed in the resurrection to come. Thank You for the pronouncement of our High Priest that assures us that we are clean in Him. He has taken away our shame. As we follow Your Son, it is safe now for us to be connected to Your people in the covenant community. May we move forward in devotion to You day by day with strong confidence in the perfect holiness of Jesus Christ. Grant to us powerful mercy and practical help for those who live in isolation because of disease or shame. May they know the joy of the love of Christ in the sadness and misery of their brokenness. May many others know relief from guilt and hopelessness through the word and mercy of Christ working through His church.


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