More Talk with God from Romans 9, 10, & 11
Romans 9
Sovereign God, we rejoice in Your plan for the salvation of Jews and Gentiles. Your promises to Your people of old have not failed, for not all of the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob according to the flesh were Your children according to the promise. Thank You for the grace of election in the lives of Your loved ones. You will have mercy on whom You will have mercy. We will not speak against You concerning Your judgments. We do not demand that we know or understand everything that You have done or everything that You will do. You will make known the riches of Your glory in all of Your great works according to Your own will and in Your own appointed time. We rejoice that some who were not viewed as Your people in former days have now been granted righteousness by faith in Your Son. Father, may we never stumble over Christ, for He is the Rock of our salvation.
Romans 10
O God, we submit now to Your plan for righteousness by faith. Christ, the fullness of all righteousness, has come from heaven to save us. He has now returned on high to send forth Your Holy Spirit upon Your chosen people. He has given to us the Word of truth which is being preached all over the world. That Word is near us, in our hearts and in our mouths. We believe in Him. We profess this faith within the assembly of those who call upon Your Name. Send forth many true ambassadors of the truth, so that the good news of this Word can go forward everywhere with great power. Grant us joy as we gather together in Your presence to call upon Your Name. Help us to remember that we are a part of a body that transcends our time and place. Help us to consider that we worship together with those who are alive with Christ in the heavens.
Romans 11
Our Father, do great and marvelous works of grace everywhere according to Your sovereign will. In every generation You have chosen a remnant by grace who will not bow the knee to Baal. We marvel that we have had such a spirit of stupor for so long, refusing to hear and love the truth. We grieve sincerely concerning the condition of those all around us who will not yet come to You. Father have mercy on a great host of Jews and Gentiles. Bring them in, O God. Your gifts and Your calling will never be taken away. All have been disobedient. We seek Your mercy upon all. You are God. You know the beginning from the end. Everything is from You. Everything comes through You. Everything is going to You. To You be glory forever.
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