1 Thessalonians 5
There are things that we need to know about the future, and there are many other things that we do not need to know. Unfortunately we have a tendency to give ourselves over to that which God will not tells us, and to count as of little consequence that which He has revealed. We would do well to keep these three clearly revealed things in the front of our minds:
1. A Day of Judgment is indeed coming. It is coming quietly, without a lot of preparatory signs, the same way that a thief comes in the middle of the night. On that day, people will be living their lives as if nothing is ever going to change. They will be sure that life is safe and wonderful, and suddenly destruction will come upon them, and they will not escape.
2. The church is not supposed to be surprised by this coming Day. That is not because we know when the Day will come, or because we will be experts at reading the cosmic indicators at that last minute, but because we are to always be in a state of constant readiness. If you and I lay down our heads for a peaceful rest, we can consider that we may very well wake up in heaven, or even to the sound of the Lord’s return. Others live in darkness and drunkenness, even if they never touch a drop of wine and the sun is bright and high in the sky. They are unaware of the facts of heaven and of God, so they do not expect anything to ever come to any conclusion. We may be blind and fast asleep, but we have been granted a sober understanding of the limits of this present existence. We are always waiting for the fullness of the Lord’s promises to arrive
3. Our beliefs about the future inform the way we live our lives today. We are keeping the faith, expressing that faith in love, and setting our minds on the life that is coming with a living hope. The ground of this faith, love, and hope is this: We have come to understand that we are no longer destined for wrath, but that we shall obtain the fullest blessings of life through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us. Our acceptance by God does not depend on our living on this earth until He returns. If we die, we go to live with Christ in the present heavens, though our mortal bodies “sleep” in the grave. If we live, we live as those who are awake to the truth of the Lord Jesus, waiting for His return, and encouraging one another through our present difficulties with the sure hope that we have in the life to come.
Just to review: 1. A Day of Judgment is indeed coming, 2. The church is not supposed to be surprised by this coming Day, and 3. Our beliefs about the future inform the way we live our lives today.
In this new life of faith, love, and hope, we are not alone, but part of a community, the church. Within that worshipping assembly, God has given some who provide leadership according to His Word. Theirs is an important work, and we are told here to respect them and to esteem them very highly in love because of the work that they do. We have come to see that these shepherds are watching over the flock for our good, and we thank God for their efforts of spiritual oversight. This is not some heavy-handed system of micro-management of people’s lives, but the care of friends who have been chosen by God to be examples to others of sacrificial love. As they follow Christ, we can safely follow them. This helps to seek unity and peace among those who want to love and serve the Lord together.
This way of life for us is a beautiful one, though it may not win us fame among men. We want to live out this kind of quiet life of diligent service, patiently helping the weak, and pursuing together what is true, good, and beautiful. We do not want to be loudly denouncing others or bringing harm upon those who do not agree with us. Instead we bear patiently the insults we may receive from those who reject the message of the cross and resurrection, and we pursue peace.
Let us put off glum despondency as much as it is within our power to do so. Remember the love of Jesus for you and be happy. Rejoice always! Pray without ceasing, since God is listening. In everything give thanks, for your heavenly Father loves you and provides you with many encouragements if you will only lift up your head today and see them. Is the sun shining again? No? Then even the clouds are a gift for you. Look and see the day that God has made for you. Has He entrusted you with some problem? Call upon His name, so that He knows you are there, that you love Him, and that you appreciate what Jesus has done for you. He will never forget you.
Then open up the Word of God again and read the next chapter. Do you know that God used His Holy Spirit in the lives of apostles and prophets to bring to you the words that you are reading today? Do not despise the Scriptures. Take them in as a person who wants to hear from God. And the Lord will carry you through another day, holding on to every good thing in front of you, and turning away from every evil snare. This is the way that the God who sent His Son to suffer for you will give you peace today. He can keep you going like this every day until you wake up in heaven, or until you are happily jolted awake by the sound of a trumpet announcing the glorious news that heaven has come to you and renewed the earth even before you had a chance to die and go to that place of blessing. This is the way to live in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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