
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ecclesiastes 10

After several chapters of the Preacher's words, are you beginning to suspect that he is just a pessimist? Is he missing the happier parts of truth? Don't be too critical of the Preacher. We have already heard his advice that there are many things in life that can be received and that should be enjoyed. The problem is that with everything that we experience in this life where we could say, “That is genuinely beautiful,” we soon discover that even a little dead fly's worth of folly can easily create a nasty stench in what should have been a sweet-smelling ointment of wisdom perfume.

Every day there is so much good to be experienced, yet we know that misery and death are all over the earth. There is no running away from the effects of the Fall. Even the wise man has this problem right within himself, but if we supposed for a moment that we could almost entirely (say 99%) surround ourselves with people that are almost entirely wise (use 99% again just for fun), not only would we have to deal with the 1% folly in the wisest people, we would also be irked by the presence of the 1% of the population that is actually pursuing a course of foolishness. Our percentages are certainly very optimistic, but even if they were correct, that 1% of mess would make all the difference. Fools will be noticed. And occasionally, the owner's only child will be a fool, and guess who inherits the business?

How do you live in a world where you may work for a fool? If you can find a job where you can serve God better and enjoy life more, gain your freedom as soon as you can. But there are times when you will not be able to do that, and there are other times when your old job looked horrible, that is until you spent a few weeks at your new job which you thought would be so much better. (I wonder if they are still hiring at the old place?)

There is wisdom in recognizing that the various authorities that you live with in your life are infected with folly, just as we all are. We need to be able to live in the real world, knowing that this is not heaven yet. Stay calm, give a troubling situation some time if at all possible, and do not presume that you have the answer to every blemish that you encounter on the planet.

Sometimes our insistence that we can fix everything creates even more damage. By the time we are finished there are three or four smelly flies in the ointment instead of just one. You sweat to dig a pit to hide some eyesore, and then you fall into the sludge yourself. You break down a wall that you thought would improve the view, and there is a snake lurking behind it, ready to bite. You are digging away at a rock to get what looks like precious gems, and some boulder higher up on the mountainside comes rolling towards you. You save some money by cutting your own wood, and you end up getting a splinter that becomes a nasty infection. With so many of your great plans leading to more misery, you are not sure whether to laugh or to cry. The Preacher's advice: Take a moment to think. Use wisdom at least as much as you use blood, sweat, and tears.

One other hint for getting by in a world of futility and danger: Choose your words carefully, and don't talk so much about things that you only pretend to understand. Do you really know what the future will be like under the sun? What is the point of pretending that you know what God has chosen to conceal? Focus on what you can and should know. For instance, find out the way to where your destination before you spend all your effort walking in the wrong direction. “The toil of a fool wearies him, for he does not know the way to the city.”

As you walk through this world to the best destination, remember that this you live in a place with real danger, where incompetent, lazy leaders may ruin life for those who may have no other choice but to make the best of a bad situation. Eat well, have a glass of wine, buy something that might make your day more pleasant. But don't wag your tongue all day long against those in charge or a proverbial “little bird” may bring them news of your exaggerated insurrection. If some place here below is your celestial city, you will find that when you get there, there is more than just one fly in the ointment. If the place was perfect before your arrival, it won't be after you get there.

God sent His Son into this world not because it was a great vacation spot. Take an honest look all around you. This is not yet paradise. Jesus came from heaven in order to set you on a journey, and in the process, to restore His creation to what it should be. He was not confused about where He was, and about where He was eventually going. His toil along the journey home to the Father was not at all wasted. He has become not only our destination, but also the way that we can get to that celestial city that will one day come down upon this earth when He returns at the renewal of all things. Admitting that we are not entirely in heaven now is an important component of true wisdom, and it will help you to live in a world that is not yet perfected in holiness.


At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two thoughts came to my mind as I let this teaching settle down to my heart.

1) Lower my expectation of what I need from people around me here on THIS EARTH, for expectation is a fly in the ointment and will only produce an ointment of disapointment.

2) Satisfaction Guarenteed is a lie and is impossible this side of heaven, better to settle for
"That'll have to do for now!" DS


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