Song of Solomon 7
How beautiful is the one loved by the great man! Even her feet are beautiful. He calls her a noble daughter. Nobility should be more than a question of birth. It is a statement of training toward a character that recognizes the responsibility of gifts that have been given. To be truly noble is to know that you have received good gifts, and to use them in a matter worthy of the giver.
This great king has spoken before of her physical beauty, but before he began with wonder of her eyes and her hair. Now he starts with her feet and then extols her rounded thighs. They are like perfect jewels to him. To speak of her navel, her belly, and her breasts is to bring attention to very intimate details. Yet there is not a word of embarrassment here. He returns again now to the details of her lovely face. He has traveled with his eyes from toe to head, and has found her to be entirely admirable. Is there no blemish in her at all? Though he is a king, he is held captive by the wonder of her beauty.
The eyes that have explored his love have sent the good report to his hands. He announces his intentions. He will climb the tree and lay hold of the fruit, like clusters on the vine. He will come near to her mouth and take in her breath, filled with the freshest scent of heavenly apples, and he will taste the wine of her mouth.
She responds to his intimate kiss and testifies again that they are for each other. She is his, her beloved's. His desire is for her.
He has announced what he will do. Now she happily invites him to come to her. There is a holy and pure boldness in her words. He is the good man, and she is his love.
She speaks to him of a place that is known to her. Their love together is not only her beauty and his greatness. The world around them is made fresh and alive by their eternal affections. The fields are theirs to explore. They can lodge in the villages of this renewed land.
Where did these vineyards come from? Do they belong to these lovers? They seem to have title to the world. They have inherited the earth. They will go out early to the vineyards and see the progress of growth in this paradise of love.
This is the right place for her to give herself to him fully, and she announces that to him. Everything is right in that land. The smells of fresh growth fill the air as mandrakes give forth their fragrance.
We might have expected him to speak now of the mansion that he has prepared for her. Undoubtedly he has the most wondrous home for her that he has built with tender care. Yet it is the bride who speaks of doors that are theirs. Is there a cottage in one of the villages beyond the fields she has spoken of?
She has been preparing for this moment. She has been laying up treasures for the day of their perfect union. These fruits will be waiting for them beside their doors when they arrive. They will include new treasures as well as old. Over the course of her life of love for him, she has made herself ready for the fullness of time by storing away good fruits that have come forth from a heart of love for him.
These are choice and fragrant gifts. They are like jewels that do not become less wonderful with the passage of time. Yet they are alive with freshness, perfect for this land of glory.
From the moment that we know of our King's dying love for us and of our affection for Him, we should let our hearts be stirred in His worship. From that wellspring of a renewed feeling, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we should expect to see the fruits of heaven spring forth in our lives. As we live for the one that we love, we can begin to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where thieves cannot steal, and where there is no death.
One day we will see Him. We will hear Him speak His words of eternal love again that have nurtured our hearts throughout this time of preparation. We will speak to the one we have spoken to for many years, but now we will see His eyes as we speak, and we will know as we are known, and love as we are loved. We will come to the place where every action of true love has been kept safely, held carefully in reserve for this day to come. And we will be glad that we did not live for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for everlasting life.
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