Psalm 25
Is there no place for the righteous man to turn in a world of trouble? He lifts up all that he is, his life, his soul, to the one God who created and sustains the heavens and the earth. He rests his weary being on the one Rock that will not move. He trusts in God.
Trusting in the Lord does not immediately take away all his problems. There are still enemies, seen and unseen, at the gate of his life. They would love to embarrass him. They want to see him abandon his post in disgrace. They would be happy to celebrate his demise. Therefore this worshiper turns again to the Sovereign Lord of all. He waits for God, who alone can sustain him.
There are enemies of God and the gospel who are consumed with spreading a net for the church. When the Lord came to save, His enemies were especially within the ranks of the covenant community. There were leaders who were supposed to be representatives of all that is godly, but they rejected the true King of righteousness. Paul reminds the Ephesian church that we do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual entities that make use of people who will not follow in the way of humble love. But the worst enemies that we face can be those within our own hearts as we entertain unbelief and pursue a course of faithlessness.
Only God can rescue the worshiper from such formidable dangers. He does this by teaching him his ways. Just as his enemies are not merely external, but also internal, the teaching that sanctifies and preserves him must touch his soul and renew his mind. Whether he battles against fallen men and angels, evil societal structures, or his own flesh, the ultimate enemy is a spirit of death, and the resuscitation that he requires comes from the Spirit of life.
God's way is the way of life, and the worshiper needs to follow that way and to be kept on that way by the teaching of the truth. The Lord gives his servant a desire for truth. He waits for God expectantly, and the Lord comes to him in the Word. This Word is a powerful witness of the God of salvation.
In that Word, he finds again the mercy of God. He hears about the covenant faithfulness of the Lord, and remembers that God is very stable and reliable. There is an accuser of the brethren who is eager to disqualify a troubled conscience. But it is through this teaching of the steadfast love of the Lord that the godly man becomes convinced that his sins are forgiven. He remembers that he was not accepted by God because of his own merit, but for the sake of God's infinite goodness. What accusation can be brought against God's beloved servant when his righteousness is the righteousness of the Son of God credited to him?
There is certainly nothing lacking in the goodness of the Lord. The Lord will not abandon the man he loves. Has a sinner repented and believed in the provision of God for salvation? Has he embraced the promise that will never fail? Then he can eagerly rejoice in the Lord's merciful instruction that shows a man how he can be a true follower of the Almighty. The proud man insists on his own way. But the humble man rejoices in the way of the Lord. Everything about God's way is overflowing with steadfast love and faithfulness. This is the good path for the man who has set his heart on God in the daily surrender of faith.
The Lord will be true to His own Name. His mercy to his servant is bound up in His faithfulness to Himself. Here is an inexhaustible well of forgiveness for the worshiper who knows his own great guilt. He fears the Lord as the only true and mighty God, and He hears the instruction of the Lord, His love and His good precepts. Though a man's heart may be broken, the Lord's instruction is able to bring healing. Well-being will return to the soul of the man who has ears to hear. Even his offspring shall inherit the earth.
Such a man has a very precious possession, the friendship of God. He can and will pluck his feet out of any enemy's net. He turns again to the One who calls him friend. He speaks forthrightly about his heart. He feels as if he is alone. He is in pain. It seems like it is all too much to bear. He is distressed. Enemies seem to be everywhere. He asks God to see all this, and to consider.
Can the God who sent His Son to die for our sins, deliver us from all our troubles? Our salvation must be bigger than a legal declaration of forgiveness from God. It must include God's daily deliverance from trouble, until that day when we experience the fullness of His presence in the land of the living. We must be kept today in a world where death still molests, and where the enemies of God and His church still trouble us. We must be delivered from the enemy within, or we will lie down in doubt, fear, hatred, distraction, and unbelief. God must guard us and keep us again today. That will be the only way we will pursue true integrity when doing what is right is very costly.
Christ has secured for us a full salvation. He followed a road that necessitated the giving of His life. His death for us was powerful. God has delivered us from eternal destruction. He will hear us today when we call to Him. He will surely rescue His church from all her troubles.
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