Psalm 9
As the worshiper of God gathers to call upon the Name of the Lord, he needs to put off distracting cares and entanglements. The best way to put off one thing is by putting on another that is better. If a man wants to stop singing a worthless song in his mind, he should start singing one that is worthwhile. If the worshiper wants to put off every evil thought, he can do no better than to focus his heart, mind, voice, and strength upon the Lord God Almighty.
Where can he begin? Give the Lord thanks with your whole heart. Is there anything praiseworthy? Let the worshiper consider who is the Giver of every good gift, and return thanks to Him. He should develop the habit of meditating upon the wonderful deeds of God, who not only made the heavens and the earth, but sustains everything by the Word of His power. He can think of God's decrees and the progress of His saving providences. There is so much to consider!
As he continues to muse upon what is yet to come, the fullness of the work of the Messiah in the perfect establishment of His holy kingdom, even the heart that is weighed down by worry and care can rediscover hope and joy, though through tears. This is the privilege and duty of the congregation of the righteous, to sing praise to the Name of the Most High God.
If the worshiper will turn to God with thanksgiving he can then turn back to matters of strife with a more uplifting assessment. It is true that vicious enemies are coming against him with violent intention. But they will not ultimately succeed. Do not forget that word “ultimately.” This man's enemies may nail him to a tree. It might appear that they have succeeded for a good long time. Yet God will not be dissatisfied with the final chapter of His own book, and that last chapter is a good long read!
His enemies will not enter realms of heavenly blessing. They may even lose their futile battle sooner than he expects. Yes, it seems that they often do. Evil has a tendency to overreach and then to stumble and fall before the presence of the Almighty.
But God will remember this righteous worshiper who calls out to Him. That man's cause is just, and God is just. God is on the throne even now, and He has a way of working things out even more quickly than we tend to notice.
Is God really very slow to help the righteous man? Have no fear, good fellow, He may help you very soon, and do not forget that if the ugly enemy of death comes against you, it may have such a very short victory since Jesus will come and will take you to bring you where He is.
Is the one against you much more than an individual? Is it a whole congregation, or even a whole nation? Not to worry... the Lord rebukes the nations. He can make the wicked perish, and take out a whole people that may be swimming in the pride of powerful weapons, all of them pointed at you.
One day the wicked will be gone. Not just in this mortal world. The wicked die and enter a land that has the word Perish inscribed on its gates. There is a dying that is worse than mortal death, and only God, upon whose Name the righteous man calls, can escape that awful city of eternal wrath. Does it seem impossible for anyone to be saved? Remember, what is impossible for man is more than possible for God.
God's land of joy is the place where He rules forever. Are you even sure that you will remember the name of the man who persecutes you on earth after you have lived 1000 years in heaven? If you do, then the Name of Jesus will entirely push away any unpleasantness that dared to remain in your perfected soul. He will wipe away every tear. Yes!
Our hope is built on the death and resurrection of the Man of perfect righteousness. In Him we have a full assurance of the blessings that should be our meditation in this time of measured strife. The deliverance that we expect is not just a salvation for one solitary worshiper. Through the rescue that comes to us in the One Man Jesus Christ, our Lord has established an entire kingdom of goodness forever.
God sees and knows your affliction. He calls you to cast your cares upon Him, and is regularly working out your deliverance in the midst of a world of death. If He permits you to feel the pain of an unjust word or even the wound of a wicked man's fist, do not suppose that He has forgotten you. He is doing something that you are not permitted to see at present. It will one day be a trophy of His grace.
The church will praise Him, and those who hate His Name and who refuse to repent will fall into a pit of their own design. But God will never forget you.
After the Lord, who died for His people, returns in judgment, He will continue forever to be what He is right now – a stronghold for His church. God's glorious congregation will be with Him. We are with Him even now, and He is with us. The man who sings to Him and seeks Him today will surely be saved to the uttermost.
God, who knew the afflictions of His Son for you, will be gracious to you forever. Therefore, we turn to Him again and praise His Name. We see the final chapter concerning the righteous and the wicked, and we see Jesus and worship Him as the Lord of glory. We call out to God in the day of oppression and are heard: “Arise, O Lord! Let not man prevail; let the nations be judged before you! Put them in fear, O Lord! Let the nations know that they are but men!”
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