
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

1 Peter 3

While our hearts yearn for God and His heaven, we live here now. That means that we are often living under rulers who are less than perfect. Even worse, there are times and places throughout history where a human being might actually be the property of another human being. In even the very worst situations, men of faith can show the grace of God by the way they live submissively and honorably through situations of lamentable injustice.

Sadly, even within families where Christ is worshiped, men have not loved their wives as Christ loved the church. Some marriages become so gravely dangerous that it may become necessary for the church or state to see that a spouse is protected from an abuser. Even if her life is not in danger, the relationship between husband and wife may be very far from displaying the love of God for His church.

It is especially in unpleasant situations that a wife may find an opportunity to put her faith into action as she respects a man who has offended her. The same can be said for husbands. Love your wife even if she will never respect you. And wives, follow your husbands as conscience permits, without a word of objection, letting your quiet godly conduct speak for itself. Are you impressed with your own looks? Your outward physical beauty is a wonderful gift, but better still is the quiet heart that has learned contentment through trials. Old Testament Sarah is an example of this, though she surprises us with her boldness. But she was committed to her God and to her husband, and her heart was trained through waiting for the promises of God, through doing good, and through the habits of faith, submissive speech, and perseverance in service which she cultivated in her relationship with her husband.

This Sarah had about all that she could take. Consider her life. It would be an understatement to say that it was a trial. How many years did she wait on the Lord following this man who heard from God? She was a weaker vessel, but an heir with her husband Abraham of the grace of heavenly life. For his part, Abraham was not so foolish as to treat her as less than himself or to ignore her concerns. Men who mistreat their wives in that way surely suffer for their pride. The Lord tells us that the prayers of men who do not honor their wives may certainly be hindered. Is that what you want?

The way of gentle faithfulness with submission to lawful authority is not only the pattern for a few specific relationships in state and family. This is the Lord's example and directive for the life of every heavenly worshiper living faithfully during these moments of exile on an earth that will one day be renewed. Men and women, young and old, high and low, everyone who loves the Lord, needs to seek in the church a unity of mind, a sympathy of heart, and a pattern of life that fits with our King's humble suffering for our sake. He faced pain so that we would have blessing. We need to be people who are quick to bless, and who turn away from vengeance.

God is not far from us. He will not be mocked. We cannot treat others in a way that is a denial of the mercy that we have received from Him. Why should we cheat ourselves of the joy that He is capable of bringing to us even now? Keep your tongue from evil and lies. Don't you want to love life and see good days? Are you aware of evil patterns in your heart? Address them now. Is there something good in front of you? Do it today. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Don't just think about all this. Do the obvious. Do it today.

If you end up getting in trouble for sincerely and quietly dedicating yourself to gentleness and goodness, you will still be blessed. Don't focus on your enemies, and don't give in to playing the Christian victim. Sanctify Christ the Lord in your hearts. He is your refuge and your salvation. Be ready to answer the honest question from the persecutor who may wonder why you have joy despite your troubles. Don't be overly loud about your witness, or you risk being unnecessarily proud or annoying. Normally you should wait for the question, and don't imagine that there is an open ear, when there is none. Live and speak with gentleness and respect for everyone.

Do you know in your heart that you have been guilty of self-promotion or of following some agenda of your flesh. Give it up now. It is an unnecessary burden that you were not meant to carry. Keep a good conscience. Be quick to give an honest apology when you have wandered from the right way, and quietly pursue the King, knowing that you are forgiven, and useful for His purposes.

This is the good life. If you suffer unjustly in it, remember that Jesus Himself led the way for you. He gave everything in life and death, and now look at what He has accomplished! Trust Him to do great things with you. The people of Christ have faced suffering ever since sin entered the world. People like Noah, who simply obeyed the Lord, could not readily be ignored by those around them. When you build an ark in faithfulness to the Word, people will notice.

Even your baptism will be noticed if you live it out. It says to the world that there is a place of safety in Christ and in the Kingdom of heaven. Everyone should enter the ark of Christ, but many refuse. Some will make the people of God suffer. If you suffer or even die, you still live through the resurrection of Jesus. You may feel like you are on the hurting end of power now, but Your resurrection King is the Ruler in heavenly realms. Take great joy in Him whatever may befall you. You are on the winning team. Quiet and gentle confidence in Christ always makes good sense and is consistent with the greatest eternal happiness.


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