
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Revelation 19

It is important for us to understand that God's judgment is coming upon the worldwide city of man. But that story is a prelude to a bigger story. A great multitude in heaven is crying out “Praise the Lord!” Almighty God is bringing about the fullness of His saving plans. The biggest news is not the Lord's justice upon the worldwide city that has persecuted the church for so many centuries. Heaven rejoices about that, but that event clears the way for the culmination of all that is the city of God.

God's justice is worthy of great celebration in its own right. It is right that the blood of the martyrs will be avenged. The Lord God, who loves His people, and who is perfect in wisdom and holiness, is the One who knows what must be done, and how to do it. Heaven celebrates the goodness of God in all His frightening justice. But the people of God also rejoice in the permanence of the Lord's destruction of evil. The image of the smoke from the city of man going up forever and ever means that the people of God will no longer be persecuted by the wicked who have hated and killed the innocent.

The people who call God “our God,” those who fear Him in reverence and holy worship, whether they are small or great, recognize the truth that all that God does is good. People in heaven are beyond sinful doubting. They know that whatever God ordains is right.

The beauty of the Lord's perfect plan of redemption is that His people will see all things under His feet. Today we do not see that, and we wonder. There is a day coming when the faith becomes sight, and the rejoicing of the church will be full. The church will be with her Bridegroom and He will have His holy bride. The long awaited marriage of Christ the Lamb and His people will be a cause of unambiguous celebration.

Until that day comes, the people of God need to make themselves ready for Jesus. Clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ, we are to live out the power of the blood of the Lamb in a world where faithfulness may lead to persecution. The victories we experience now through faith will be ornaments of beauty in the heavenly consummation. In simplicity and gentleness we do deeds of righteousness today. These have been granted to us, together with the gift of suffering for Christ that proves the genuineness of our faith. We are blessed, and we will be blessed, for we have been invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

John was so moved by everything that He saw in this vision that He fell at the feet of the angel! His message is overwhelmingly good. Even the apostle was confused as to who was speaking at that moment. He was redirected to the worship of God and to the testimony of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, whose Word is the very Spirit of prophecy.

Then out of heaven He saw the coming of the Word Himself. One day you will see Him come. Faithful! True! Righteous! Powerful! Victorious! Look at His garments dipped in blood for your sake. Hear the voice of the perfect Word of God Himself. He has a sharp sword to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron. See Psalm 2. Who will dare to stand in His way? The King will come.

His enemies will be utterly destroyed, consumed in His holy anger, yet they will face a wrath that is eternal. Somehow we are there as part of His victorious army. We are not afraid of enemy soldiers, kings, or the beast. Our Savior is with us.

How can we celebrate the destruction of so many? How can we participate in such holy judgment? Who are we to be there? The Apostles and prophets will be there. The man who was Saul, who persecuted Christians, how will he be among the victorious soldiers of heaven in the company of the sinless Lamb of God? How will Peter be there, who denied the Lord three times?

How will you and I be there? And we will not be alone. Many weak sinners who called upon the Name of the Lord and were saved will be there as well. People who could never stand on the merits of their own lives will be there. How is it that we end up with Christ, cheering for the vindication of God and His people, when so many others will receive the full weight of the unbearable holiness of God? How is it that we are judged as righteous in the sight of a holy God who demands perfect and perpetual obedience? Only by the grace of the Lord, but by that grace, we stand, if by that grace we believe, and surrender.

What can we say about the others who will face the judgment of the Lord when there is so much in our own record that could be evidence that would demand our just condemnation? “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”

It is so important to be in Jesus for eternal life. And if we say that we are in Him, then we should walk in His ways. He was wounded for our transgressions, but one day He will come with a sword of His Word, and that sword will decimate the city of man. But we are not those who live for the city that will be destroyed. We love the city of God. When that city comes it will be the Lord's finest hour. And the people of God will shout, “Praise the Lord!” Hallelujah!


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