
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Bible Survey - #11 - Exodus 16-18

On the Way to The Promised Land

The people of God had been delivered from their captors, but they were not yet home. They would have to follow their God. They needed to grow and learn.

They would be hungry and thirsty, and their sin would be exposed. Was the past really that bad in Egypt? They would forget, and would fall into unbelief and rebellion. The Lord had provided Moses as a deliverer for the people, but at times they were ready to stone him.

The Lord would protect His people from enemies in the desert, and he would discipline them for their faithlessness. He would also provide for them food and water, and leaders to come alongside Moses.

The pathway to The Promised Land was very difficult. The life of trusting the God who led them in the pillar of cloud and fire was not the rest that they hoped for. Even Moses was not the perfect man of faith.

In our own era when the Lord has given us His Son, His Holy Spirit, the full Word of God in the Scriptures, and a world-wide community of faith, the life of following Him is still a serious challenge. We need Him; the Bread of Heaven. We need the Rock from whom all blessings of true life flow. Only in Him will we continue through the wilderness to a better Promised Land.

Can God provide His people what they need?

How will they have the bread that they must eat?

Can water flow forth from a desert rock?

Our Jesus is the answer; He gives life.


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