
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Psalm 77

The Lord is with us. He wants us to be continuously aware of this, so much so that He prepared us for the coming of His Son by referring to our Savior by the name “Immanuel,” God with us.

If we remember that God is with us, than we may be more readily moved to acknowledge His presence, and to cry out to Him, trusting that He hears us. When we wake up in the morning, we can simply say, “Abba, Father.” We can say “Jesus” and we remember. In the middle of the night, if we wake we can say, “You are with me.”

Though we may know the presence of the Lord, troubles may so overwhelm us that we actually refuse to be comforted for a time. It may seem that our sense of abandonment lasts forever. But we say the Name of the Lord and we moan in the very ear of Him who is so close. “Help me, Lord!”

We remember the past, and we are unable to sleep. Yet even then, in that past moment that seems to have invaded the present, we can say, “You were with me even then.” Have you been so distressed that words will not come? Just start with one word. “Father.”

Eventually the Lord who is with us will remind us of the simple truths that our hearts know. The Lord has not abandoned His eternal purpose. The present affliction will not actually last forever. The Lord who died for us, the Father who gave His only-begotten Son, the Spirit who lives in us, the One God, He will not forget His steadfast love. “Gracious Lord.” “Compassionate Jesus.”

Think of the years of the Most High God. Consider all His great acts of power and love for Israel. Consider the way that He has kept His promise in providing a Messiah. “Holy God... You are always with me.”

The God of Israel has made His Name known all over the earth. The Name of the Jewish Messiah is being proclaimed everywhere. Surely our struggles will be over soon.

The Lord who led His children through the sea is with us. Jesus, who walked on the water is with us. The waters all around you may be overwhelming, but this can be your continuous comfort: “Lord, You are always with me.”


At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Kathleen said...

Amen Brother Stephen....HE is always with us...despite the dark and raging seas of grief, despair, poverty, illness, pain, loneliness, fear, and doubt. HE never changes, HE never abandons us. We may move away from HIM...but...HE never moves away from us. Though it be black and there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel...along comes Jesus for HE is light! Praise our Heavenly Abba, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit! See you at church.

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Nathan Snyder said...

What a comfort. When we don't know what to pray, or our hearts are too heavy, we can simply come to our God, our Father, and pray, "Abba, Father. Have mercy on me. I trust in you." He is with us.


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