
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Psalm 134

Journey's end! Jersualem! The temple mount! What a relief!

How much more when we reach the Jerusalem that is above! Better still, what a delight it will be when the New Jerusalem reaches us, descending from heaven upon the earth, bringing complete resurrection. Then the new day that Christ began will be fully among us.

I have too much of the old man in me. I am too easily showing signs of the weary traveler. Evenings are coming earlier for me. But then again, every morning the sun rises, and a new day dawns to those who are awake.

Wake me up, Lord!

Wake me up to the empty tomb. Wake me up to the resurrection of Jesus. The High Priest is already blessing me from the heavenly Jerusalem. He is sending me fresh water for the day ahead.

I am thirsty! I drink again, and am refreshed. What a blessing. The water of heaven is going through my body now. I am thinking more clearly. Fear and doubt are being cast off. Faith is renewed. Out of the abundance of a better heart, my mouth speaks, and brings help to the hearer.

Praise the Lord, you servants of the Lord!

Lift up your hands to heaven and shout out the Lord's prayer! “Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be Thy Name....”

We have a Father in heaven who loves us. His Son is Immanuel, God with us. His Spirit is in us. There is a whole body of Christ to stand with us. We can lift up someone's hand if they have no strength, and we can praise the Lord together.

The Lord, who made heaven and earth will bless you today. He will shepherd you by His Word and Spirit. He will give you a shepherd who will walk with you, a man equipped with the Scriptures, a servant of the Lord who will love you. He will bless you with the blessing of Jesus.

The Lord will bless your marriage and your family from Zion. He will love you forever and love you for always. The Lord is with you!


At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God that we have our great Shephard with us and that we don't have to face these long days alone, especially when the things that weigh us down are so futile and have nothing to do with God's eternal plan for us.

There is no husband like him, no father that compares, His love is like a deep well of pure refreshing water. I too can feel the revival that His word brings to this weary soul.

There is great strength in knowing that we are united as a family in Christ so that we may strengthen each other as we remind one another of His faithfullness, His promise to us that He will return and our bodies will be made new again.

Hallelujah, Praise Immanuel on high


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