
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

1 Chronicles 18

God was true to His promise to David. He had told David, “I will subdue all your enemies.” The Lord accomplished this great Word.
Philistia to the west, Moab and Edom to the southeast, the Syrians in the northeast, and even the kingdom of Zobah-Hamath in the distant north felt the power of the king of Israel. All this came from the Lord.
David took from the spoils of war and honored his God. Bronze from distant cities was eventually used for the pillars in Solomon's temple. Articles of gold and silver were also dedicated to the Lord. “The Lord gave victory to David wherever he went.” David set up officials in positions of authority, “and he administered justice and equity to all his people.”
All these events had taken place long before First Chronicles was written. When the Lord was bringing His exiled remnant back to Jerusalem, the returning servants of God needed to remember the Lord's faithfulness to David.
The Chronicler and his generation longed to see a son of David favored again by the Lord of Hosts. They wanted a new David who would again establish the kingdom of Israel and dedicate the blessings of victory to the worship to the Lord God Almighty.
The returning exiles did not achieve all that they desired in their day. God's plan was far more glorious. Through what would look to men like weakness and foolishness, a perfectly holy Son of David would achieve a far greater victory over His enemies than David could have ever experienced.
We follow this righteous Son of David, Jesus Christ. He won His greatest battle through His own death on the cross. He is now the resurrection King over a very extensive eternal kingdom. Every one of His enemies will be subdued. His administration of justice and peace will be fully established. To Him be all glory, honor, and praise.


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