
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

2 Chronicles 2

Solomon “purposed” to build a temple for the God of Israel. This had been David's idea before it was Solomon's. Even before David or Solomon had ever been born, the God of Israel had His own plan for the ultimate temple.
Solomon's building of a temple (and a palace for himself) was only a step in the process of God permanently dwelling in the midst of His people. Many people in Israel and in Tyre would be called upon to work on Solomon's projects. Groves of cedar trees would be cut down in support of the king's plan. Lives would be dedicated to this endeavor. Was it all worth it?
The answer to that question could only be found in the being of God and in His eternal purpose. If the building of the temple was an important step in the Lord's plan to dwell with humanity, then it was more significant than any other personal or national agenda. Solomon made this clear to the king of Tyre: “The house that I am to build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods.”
Even the highest heaven cannot contain the Lord God. Who was Solomon to try to build a house for Him? But this was God's plan. The king knew his inadequacy for the task ahead, yet he also knew that God had appointed this amazing providence for his life. The king of Israel would direct the building of the temple.
The king of Tyre was able to affirm Solomon's plan. He blessed the Lord, and he acknowledged the God-given wisdom of David's son. The building of a house where the Lord would meet with His people was worth all the labor and possessions of many men across two great nations.
If this could be said about the temple that Solomon would build in Jerusalem, consider the surpassing value of the temple that Jesus is building now throughout the world! Imagine the grandeur of the resurrection Jerusalem that is coming down out of heaven from God when our Savior returns!
Jesus said, “I will build My church.” Here we have a superior enterprise. It cost the Lord His life. We are not wasting our lives when we give them away to God for the building of this new temple. The resurrection house that Jesus is making will be full of glory, for our God is far above all gods.


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