Job 40
Jesus instructs us in the Sermon on Mount, “Judge not,
that you be not judged.” There are certain limits to that
instruction. In particular, it is the duty of a superior to protect a
subordinate through occasional correction. Therefore a father will
need to help his son this way, and a teacher certainly must identify
a student's errors in order to improve her work. This is certainly
the case in the community of worship as well. The apostle Paul
advises the church in Corinth to make necessary judgments in the
church in order to protect the community of faith. He even goes so
far as to say, “The spiritual person judges all things.”
Judgment becomes problematic when it is done without
love, when it is accompanied by hypocrisy, or when an inferior
presumes to sit in judgment over his superior. This third offense is
called insubordination, and it has surely always been a popular
pastime since the day that Satan convinced Eve that God was not
giving commands that were in her best interest to obey. The
inappropriate finding of fault in a superior is an important theme in
the book of Job. Not only have Job's friends done this to Job, but
Job himself has done this to God. The Lord now brings attention to
this serious error. He calls Job a faultfinder, and so he is. It was
right for Job to find fault with Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. They
needed correction. It is never right for anyone to find fault with
God. Job has desired to bring a lawsuit against the Almighty. This is
a staggering act of insubordination.
God has been questioning Job in order to further
redirect his attention appropriately to the difference between a
creature and the Creator. So far Job has had no answer to give. Now
God insists that Job answer. Job's response speaks for itself:
“Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my
hand on my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not answer; twice,
but I will proceed no further.”
This is an astounding transformation. It has come about
through a brutal trial that began in the heavenlies before the throne
of God. It continued with great loss and sickness on earth, but then
especially with the vague and unsubstantiated accusations of friends.
All of these factors gave birth to Job's error. But this was not the
end of God's work with Job. He only wounds His beloved servants for
the purpose of granting a far better healing. After Elihu spoke, Job
had nothing more to say. Yet God finished this work of discipline in
person. Job wanted to speak with God, so here is his chance.
God continues to speak. Will Job accuse God of being in
the wrong for the purpose of maintaining his own righteousness? Of
course Job cannot win a fight against God. He always knew that. But
there is something else for us to consider in the New Testament era.
We know more clearly and plainly how the Lord's plan of righteousness
truly works. If we aim to prove that we are right at God's expense,
then all will be lost. Our only hope of being declared holy is
through the perfect righteousness of God credited to us. What if we
were able to prove ourselves right in our own merit, but only at the
cost of God being proven wrong? Absurd? Yes, but it would also
entirely undermine all our hope of eternal peace.
God reveals the beauty of the righteousness of Christ
and the power of His cross little by little and in various ways. The
book of Job in the Bible is early in that process. God does give an
answer here to all who wonder about the mystery of pain in the lives
of people that God loves. It is a true, basic, and good answer for
every era in the Lord's dealings with His elect: “Who are you, O
man, to answer back to God?” (See Romans 9:20.)
The trial that Job has experienced started in heaven.
The Lord brought up the name of Job to God's adversary, Satan.
Imagine any large beast that has ever walked the face of the earth
and know that you have a better chance of fighting such a monster
than you do in your present warfare against the devil. Satan has been
at work in Job's trials but only as far as God's sovereignty would
allow. That same Satan many years later desired to sift Peter as
wheat, yet the Lord Jesus had prayed for him. Though Peter denied
Christ three times, his faith would not ultimately fail. Jesus
instructed Peter that when he had turned back to faith he should
strengthen his brothers.
It is in the strength of Christ that God will soon crush
Satan under our feet. Do not judge the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. Do not settle into a pattern of finding fault with the
Almighty on account of the trials that He has given you. He has His
purposes. You will never fully understand the depths of His wisdom.
Surely He intends to hold you through it all, for not one of His
children will be lost.
from A
Book of Prayers
Glorious God, we
are cut to the heart. Have we been faultfinders who have spoken
against You? Would we dare to charge You with evil and condemn You as
if we were right? Our own right hand could never save us. There are
large and powerful creatures, seen and unseen, that are stronger than
us. Would we imagine that we could contend against You? Have mercy on
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