
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Psalm 18

I love you, O Lord, my strength.” David faced a very long struggle against King Saul. Saul was determined to hunt David down and kill him. The Lord was very much in the middle of this struggle, ending the reign of one man and raising up a new line of kings that would lead to a promised Messiah.
David's story was told in so many ways in the Bible. In Psalm 18, he wrote his own song of love for the Almighty who had rescued him from the hand of all his enemies. David knew that God was his rock, his shield, and his stronghold. He believed that the Lord was worthy of praise.
David's convictions concerning God were solidified during this long period of great distress with many moments of intense trouble. The cords of death encompassed David. He was headed toward the land of the dead, but the Lord delivered him and placed him on solid and sure footing.
Who was David's Rock? The Lord God alone, who heard the prayer of a man in need and who moved heaven and earth to come to him with a powerful salvation. God was not just an idea to David. After years of trial the Lord had brought David up out of deep waters. The Lord had saved him like a father might save his drowning son. David knew that God had rescued him because He delighted in him.
Why did God do all this for David? In Psalm 18 David insisted that he had kept the ways of the Lord so closely that he had not wickedly departed from God. Yet this same man recorded his sin in other psalms. Was there some other “David” who was blameless? Would there be another in the line of David who would secure the hopes of all the faithful through perfect obedience to the Law of the Lord?
Through Jesus, the promised Son of David, God has saved the humble. Through this one King of Mercy, God has been merciful to David and to us. The Lord meets us and strengthens us for the battles of our lives. His love for us is personal, powerful, and very practical. He has rescued us from moments of deep distress not only because He knows us, but because He delights in us. Together with David of old, we will sing His praise forever.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

God of Our Salvation, we sing to You with love and joy. You are our Rock. We call upon Your Name. Though death drew near to us, You heard our voices, and attended to the cry of our hearts. Like a father who runs to the defense of his children, You came to us and rescued us. You are able to scatter our strongest enemies. They were too mighty for us, but You have loved us and rescued us. Deal with us according to the righteousness of Your faithful Servant Jesus Christ. We have received Your abundant mercy. Grant to us the light of Your presence every day, that we might live for the glory of Your Name. Your way is perfect and true. We take refuge in You. We go forth in battle for Your holy purposes. Crafty men make hidden plans, but they will be defeated, for You have equipped us for the day of battle. You know Your own people, O God, and You have appointed Your Son to be the Head over the nations. You have subdued so many lands under Jesus Christ. We will sing with joy to You forever, O mighty God.


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