Psalm 136
“Give thanks to the Lord.” Giving thanks to God was
an important part of Israel's worship. They were to recount before
the Lord solid reasons for their appreciation of the Almighty,
beginning with this important reminder: “... for He is good, for
His steadfast love endures forever.” The Hebrew word translated
“steadfast love” appears in every verse of Psalm 136. Israel
needed to sing about the mercies of the Lord. The Lord's covenant
faithfulness to His people would continue forever.
Israel's God was the “Lord of lords.” He “alone”
had accomplished great feats of creation. Their great “God of gods”
had made the heavens, the waters, and the dry land. No other being
made the “sun to rule over the day” and the “moon and stars to
rule over the night.”
The Lord was also Israel's Savior. He rescued His people
out of Egypt. He accomplished their redemption by mighty acts of
judgment and deliverance. The God of Israel “overthrew Pharaoh and
his host in the Red Sea.” He made a distinction between His chosen
people and their captors.
As God's people drew near to the land that He was giving
them, He destroyed the surrounding powers that sought to thwart His
great plan. He defeated kings and armies and brought His people into
the land of Canaan.
The power and wisdom for creation and redemption did not
come from Israel. They were a people of “low estate.” All of
God's great works took place because of the steadfast love of the
Lord for His people. He “remembered” them in their affliction and
rescued them from all their foes.
Why did God do all this for Israel? Why did He have a
chosen people at all? The Savior of the world came from the Jews, the
one people group that the Lord had prepared for the first
proclamation of His Kingdom to the nations.
God's greatest work of redemption was bigger than the
rescue of Israel from Egypt. The Lord of heaven and earth who “gives
food to all flesh” had a plan to renew the entire earth. He
intended to bring about a resurrection world through one Man who
would die for our sins. The Son of God would be born of a woman—born
as a part of the chosen people of the Old Testament—in order to
extend His covenant mercy to the ends of the earth.
The coming of God's kingdom, first announced by Jewish
disciples, has now reached our ears and touched our lives. How can we
respond to the mercy of the Lord that has extended to the ends of the
earth? We join in the song that so many have sung before us: “Give
thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever.”
from A
Book of Prayers
Merciful God, Your
steadfast love endures forever. We give thanks to You. You do great
wonders. You made the heavens. You also created the earth and You
keep it going. You put the sun up in the skies. You gave us the moon
and the stars for signs and seasons. You have performed great works
of redemption. You rescued Israel out of Egypt. More than that, You
have rescued all of Your people from horrible bondage to sin and
Satan. You have granted to us a great hope. The rescue that we have
experienced to this day is small when compared with the future age of
glory that is coming. Surely Your steadfast love will endure forever.
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