Proverbs 24
Wisdom has moral content. It is not just about being
smart, it is about being good. It is the same as following Jesus,
since Jesus is the Wisdom of God who came to live and die for us. To
follow Jesus is to follow wisdom.
Living our lives in envy of evil people is foolish and
wrong. Jesus did not fall for that trap.
Wisdom is a step by step endeavor. It is the way a godly
person is built up. It brings the moral growth that leads to the
fullness of what a Christian adult should be.
We need Christian adults. They are warriors for the love
of the cross. They do not allow themselves to be so entangled in sin
as to be of little use to the eternal purpose of Almighty God. People
addicted to folly cannot rescue the weak from disaster since they are
running toward trouble all the time themselves. They lack spiritual
Those who are following the Lord's way of wisdom do
stumble, but they get up again by His grace and they grow in the
Lord. They honor Him and obey governing authorities that He has
established. They know who holds the key to the future and attend to
His Word.
A life of wisdom is lived out in the pursuit of
integrity. You cannot agree with everyone about everything and be
wise. Jesus corrected the Pharisees sharply in their wrong
understanding of the Law and in their rejection of the Son of Man.
Paul instructed Titus not only to teach sound doctrine but to
strongly correct those who contradict it. Wisdom is not just another
way of being polite. Some of the things that Jesus said and did were
viewed by others as very rude.
“Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips.”
Some situations call for sharp and honest correction. Pursuing wisdom
prepares a person for these moments. The Spirit of God will help the
Lord's courageous servant to find the right words to say at just the
right time. Attempting to please man at the cost of obeying the
Almighty does not lead to that kind of victory.
The righteous man lives in relationship with his Father
in heaven. He knows that God knows all things, and he does what
pleases his Father. This is the moral house that he has learned to
build, brick by brick, decision by decision. Others may have imagined
that a little stealing and scheming would yield a more glorious
mansion with far less work, but this is not the way of wisdom.
from A
Book of Prayers
Father God, there
is a way of evil and a way of wisdom. Teach us to run from one, and
to follow the other. We need Your strength to live wisely in our
daily lives. Encourage our hearts in wonderful ways. Teach us to move
along in righteousness and truth. Worry will never solve our
problems. Grant to us a respect for governing authorities. We need to
turn away from wickedness, and to pursue truth, diligence, humility,
and even love. Thank You for Your grace. Train us to see the obvious
lessons that You have provided all around us that we might live a
life of true wisdom.
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