Isaiah 6
“In the year that King Uzziah died” the prophet
Isaiah saw the Lord in His heavenly splendor. John 12:41 leads us to
believe that it was the glorious Son of God that the prophet saw, the
same exalted Jesus that John himself would later see when he was in
exile on the Isle of Patmos (Revelation 1). As it was for John, the
experience was overwhelming for Isaiah. He was convinced that he had
seen God, and that now he would immediately die. Why? “I am a man
of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean
lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!”
The Lord God Almighty as witnessed by the prophet was
perfect in holiness and supreme in authority. Yet in this fearful
moment God assured Isaiah that he would live. An angel took a coal
from “the altar” in the vision. Out of that place of sacrifice
came the only antidote for our spiritual disease. “Behold, this has
touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned
Not only would Isaiah live, now he was very eager to
serve. The question that came from heaven was, “Whom shall I send?”
Isaiah replied, “Here I am! Send me.”
The job that the Lord ordained for him would not be
easy. God would send him to a people who would not listen. This was
in keeping with the Lord's sovereign plan, “lest they see with
their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their
hearts, and turn and be healed.”
The Almighty had a settled decree that included the
disciplinary exile of His chosen people. The Babylonian captivity
would take place in the next century, but several centuries further
into the future the Lord Jesus would quote these words for His own
day regarding those who heard His parables. Only the close circle of
His disciples were granted further explanation as to what the stories
meant. The crowds would be left in their ignorance. Jesus would bring
a new beginning for Jews and Gentiles through His own death and
resurrection. Many would not have eyes to see or ears to hear, but
some would be chosen by God as the new assembly of the Lord.
Jesus would Himself be “the holy seed” coming out of
the dead “stump” of Israel spoken of by Isaiah. From His
unexpected resurrection life, a new company of worshipers would be
gathered from the nations. People would hear the Word of the Lord
preached by His ambassadors and would become the new kingdom of God.
The Apostle Paul quoted this same passage from Isaiah 6 when he spoke
to the leading rabbis in Rome in Acts 28:25-28. Though many Jews
would reject their own Messiah, this “salvation of God” would be
“sent to the Gentiles.” Paul's prediction? “They will listen.”
We who worship the God of Israel through the eternal Son
of the Father are now among those who have heard the good news and
believed. We have listened to the voice of the Messiah in the
Scriptures. Many have chosen other spiritual paths that can never
lead to eternal life. We rest on the Jesus of the Bible and are
committed to the proclamation of His Name as the only hope for
sinners. His blood has atoned for our sins.
from A
Book of Prayers
Holy and Majestic
God, You are the Lord. You reign from the heavenly sanctuary, and You
are holy. Our sin is made more obvious in the light of Your presence.
We thank You for the full atonement which is ours in Jesus Christ. We
have been set apart for Your purposes and are willing to be sent out
for Your glory. Grant us strength from on high for the service to
which we have been called. May we be faithful in speaking the truth
by the power of Your love for Your chosen flock.
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