
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Monday, May 23, 2016

Isaiah 41

God was the root cause behind all of the power struggles of international events in the days of Isaiah. Was there a powerful king coming with an army from the east? Did he seem unstoppable? God was behind this situation. He took no pleasure in disaster, and He was not the author of sin, but He worked all things according to the perfect counsel of His most holy will.
God’s plan for His nation Israel was not an insignificant part of His overall design for the glory of His name and the redemption of the elect. It was from Israel that the Servant of the Lord would come as the only Redeemer of God’s people. God called that nation into being for a purpose. He never abandoned His plan for His chosen ones. He was with them. He would help them, by His “right hand”—that is by the man with Him in every way, the Lord Jesus Christ.
God knew what was necessary in order to show His favor to those who would receive His mercy. He understood that there were strong enemies who would want to destroy them. He was able to defeat every foe, seen and unseen, and to use even the weakness of His people to show forth His great strength.
Surely the Assyrian threat was very real and frightening to the people of Jerusalem. They needed to calmly consider all the facts. Did the Assyrians know the future? Could they declare the events of coming years and bring them about? Where did the Assyrians come from anyway? If the Lord's people reasoned backward from any immediate troubles they were facing, they would eventually come back to the God of providence.
This God, who would one day send the Babylonians for His purposes of discipline, would also eventually send a Savior for His people. Christ Jesus, after performing signs of His divinity and achieving all righteousness, would display His supreme power in redemptive love. He would one day sit with His Father and send forth the Holy Spirit as the divine counselor for the church. Our God would work faith in the hearts of His people through His powerful Word.
We must not be confused into thinking that we are the ultimate root cause of any victory here or hereafter. The everlasting God is with us. He has secured our redemption in the death and resurrection of His Son.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers
Sovereign Lord, You will judge all the nations of the earth. You are the First and the Last, and it is right for You to bring about all of Your holy decrees. We are Your servants in Jesus Christ. We will not be afraid, for You will strengthen and help us. You are the Redeemer. You are the Holy One. We will rejoice in You in the day of our deliverance. You bring springs of water in the desert. It is Your Hand that has brought us a time of refreshment in these days. By Your power there shall come an age of resurrection. We call upon Your Name, O Lord, and You hear us. Our strength is in Jesus Christ.


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