Isaiah 66
The time has come to bring the message of this marvelous
book to an end. To do this well we must give careful consideration to
the One who is really speaking in Isaiah. A prophet is nothing at all
unless he is an authoritative spokesman for God. We want to hear the
Speaker behind the messenger, the true and living God. Heaven is His
throne. Earth is His footstool. He does not need us to make Him a
house. He is the Creator.
If we understand who is speaking to us, then there is
only one thing to do: We should humble ourselves before Him
immediately, willingly and honestly confessing our sins and fully
turning away from them. “This is the one to whom I will look: he
who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at My Word.”
God could never be satisfied with mere ceremonial
righteousness. A nation cannot appease God with the blood of an ox,
the sacrifice of a lamb, a grain offering, and some incense. Israel
needed at least one person who answered every time that God called.
God's people always needed a substitute who accomplished what the
Lord required. We have that Man in Jesus of Nazareth.
As we have seen in earlier chapters, there is a judgment
coming. A kingdom will be born finally and decisively in the return
of the Lord. “Jerusalem” will not only live, but she will have
many, many “children.” Perfect peace and glory will be hers like
an overflowing stream.
The wicked will not win in the end. Those who do not
obey the gospel, and who have persecuted the church of the Lord will
face the wrath of the Almighty. But the righteous in Christ will be
joyful servants of our Master and Friend.
We must not forget what the true Servant of the Lord has
done for us. Do not reject this One great Servant of the Lord. Do not
imagine that a ceremonial gift will pay Him off. It was His blood
that accomplished our ransom. It is our privilege to hear the call of
the Savior who died for us. It is our delight to give our lives in
the service of His glorious kingdom.
from A
Book of Prayers
O Lord, it is
amazing that You would care for us. Your Son came in humility and
trembled at Your Word. His perfect heart of worship moved toward You
continually in sincere devotion and obedience. This He did for our
sake. We shall not be put to shame. We look for the sound in the
heavens of Your Son’s return in glory. Bring forth Your holy
nation. May Your Kingdom come, O God. We rejoice with the Jerusalem
that is above. Bring peace to her like a river. Bring joy that we
have almost forgotten in the day of trouble. Show forth Your mercy to
us. Grant to us a taste of Your perfect peace even today. You know
the works and thoughts of Christ which have been credited to our
account. Use us today to declare Your glory among the nations. Draw
all Your people to Your holy mountain, that we might gather together
in Your house in the new heavens and the new earth. We worship You, O
sovereign Lord.
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