Jeremiah 27
In the days of Jeremiah, the people of Judah were told
that they needed to submit to the yoke of Babylon. The Lord also sent
the word of His prophet to other neighboring nations. God's immediate
instruction for the neighbors of Judah was that they too should give
up the fight against Nebuchadnezzar. It would not go well with them
if they attempted to defeat the Babylonians. They would be resisting
not only powerful armies, but also the God of Israel. They should
choose peace and prosperity, rather than the warfare, disease, and
famine that would come from the Lord if they continued to fight.
This same warning was also given to Zedekiah, the king
of Judah. As with the other nations, the king was told that he should
not listen to political and spiritual advisers telling him lies about
the future. God had not sent these false prophets. If the king
listened to them, he would only bring further trouble upon the
remaining people of Jerusalem and Judea.
Judah's difficulties were not yet over. Much wealth,
many gifted people, and large numbers of sacred objects had already
been taken away. Nevertheless, not only would this wealth stay in
enemy hands for a longer time, but in fact much that remained in the
land (the pillars, the bronze sea, and more) would eventually be
brought beyond the borders of Israel.
The last verse of the chapter set forth a note of hope.
Though more trouble would come to God's people before things got
better, God indicated that He would visit His people in the land of
their captivity. In that day He would bring some of them back home.
Jeremiah told the unhappy truth of the current
Babylonian supremacy to the nations all around Judah and to leaders
within Judah. He was chosen for the task of bringing an honest word
from God to the people. When our Redeemer came to rescue us from sin
and darkness, He also faced the opposition of many powerful people.
He was similarly committed to bringing the full word of truth at all
Those in authority who took their stand against Jesus
understood that He was making an indictment in the Name of the God of
Israel. It was very plain that He had a different view of the Law of
Moses than they had been taught, and so they rejected His
interpretation of the sacred writings. Christ was forthright in His
condemnation of the traditions that they honored above the Word of
God. He spoke unmistakable oracles of judgment and more mysterious
parable speech in order to communicate the message of the Almighty.
The New Testament assures us that the Pharisees knew that Jesus was
speaking against them. They therefore conspired with a betrayer in
order to destroy Him and His movement.
The defeat of the kingdom of God would prove to be an
impossible goal. In plotting for the Messiah's death, the enemies of
Jesus were only fulfilling the plan of God. By His cross, Jesus
lifted an unbearable burden from our backs. Now we eagerly receive
our Redeemer and gladly hear His gentle words of gospel instruction.
We believe that the Lord of Hosts will accomplish the entirety of all
His marvelous plan for our salvation. There can be no doubt that our
only safety comes in our complete surrender to the Lord. It would be
foolish for us to resist His good plan of grace.
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord Almighty, You
have called us to bear the yoke of Christ. His yoke is easy and His
burden is light. Our fathers could not bear the yoke of the Law. You
have brought us a Word of grace, and have filled us with Your Spirit.
In Your providence You may bring us under the yoke of powerful men
and nations for a time, but this is for our good. Help us to trust
You today. The words of false prophets are lies. They sound smooth
and appealing. They promise us an easy and speedy victory, but they
do not speak the truth. Can we trust You in the suffering that is our
portion this day? Be with us now, for Your Son suffered and died for
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