Ezekiel 23
God spoke a parable about “two women” to further
reveal the deplorable condition of both Samaria and Jerusalem. “They
played the whore” from the beginning of Israel's many years under
Egyptian domination, and they continued in their unfaithfulness
during the numerous centuries since they had entered the Promised
In Ezekiel's parable the Lord called Samaria and the
northern tribes “Oholah” which means “her tent.” Jerusalem
and the tribe of Judah had the name “Oholibah” or “my tent is
in her.” The Hebrew word for “tent” is most frequently used in
the Old Testament to refer to the tabernacle that God commanded Moses
to construct as a place where they could have communion with Him
according to His Law. The rulers of northern Israel had never
followed the Lord's command that they should bring their sacrifices
only to the place that He chose in Jerusalem. Oholah had “her tent”
in many places in the north, but none of them were ever approved by
the Almighty. While the Lord had His authorized place of meeting in
His chosen city, the people of Jerusalem worshiped other gods using
all the sacred gifts that Jehovah had given to them. Like her sister
to the north, “she lusted after the Assyrians” and then later
sought out the Babylonians as “her lovers.”
Impressive imperial powers had often captured the
admiration of the Lord's chosen people. Kings in the line of David
not only sought to win the favor of these large empires (see 2 Kings
20:12-19), they also were attracted to many foreign religious
systems. God's account of this spiritual disaster highlighted the
violence and the filth of these dangerous pagan cults. Because Judah
loved what the Lord prohibited, Jehovah declared to His people, “I
will direct my jealousy against you.” God would force His children
to “drink a cup of horror and desolation.”
The Lord had called His people to a life of holiness. In
particular they were to regard His tabernacle (and later His temple)
as a most holy place where He alone would meet with those who would
worship Him. Yet both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern
territory of Judah had defiled the Promised Land. How vile were their
practices? “When they had slaughtered their children in sacrifice
to their idols, on the same day they came into My sanctuary to
profane it.”
How would the Lord's worshipers ever be cleansed from
all their guilt? Jesus, the Son of God, would have to dwell in our
midst with His own singular blessedness. According to John 1:14, our
Redeemer “tented” among us. When His flesh was pierced for our
transgressions, a “curtain” that stood between God and His elect
was torn, granting us a new way of safe access to our glorious God.
Through the blood of Christ our evil consciences have now been
cleansed (Hebrews 10:19-25), for our Redeemer has made a full
atonement for all our uncleanness. We are no better than Oholah and
Oholibah according to our sin nature, but by the blood of the Lamb of
God we will forever be the temple of the Holy Spirit and the spotless
bride of the King of Heaven.
from A
Book of Prayers
O God, we have
heard the Word that You have spoken. For generations Your people have
ignored the true call to holiness. We lust after the world and
display no spiritual wisdom. We have touched things that should be
far from us, and have followed enticing adulteries. What possible
godly reason could we have for our defiling affections? We are too
easily impressed with the example of the world. We want what the
powers of this evil age seem to offer, and we have little
appreciation for the cross of Christ. Your Son will surely lead us
out of our current disgrace. We turn away from the worldliness that
is attacking Your church. Move us forward in the love of Christ. We
thank You for Your abundant mercy and Your Son’s amazing grace.
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