Daniel 7
“Daniel saw a dream and visions of his head as he lay
in bed.” The prophet received revelation from the Lord concerning
the empires that would eventually replace Babylon on the world stage.
Beyond the coming story of the Greeks and the Romans, there would
eventually come “one like a Son of Man” who would command a realm
greater than all the realms that would arise from the embers of Rome.
The victory of God's chosen Man would be an expression
of the Lord's perfect judgment against those who imagine that they
rule the world and that God and His Word can be safely ignored.
Though a boasting tyrant might have “a mouth speaking great
things,” and though demonic hosts might presume that they can wage
“war with the saints” without adverse consequences, the “Ancient
of Days” will make all things right. Judgment will be made in favor
of “the saints of the Most High.” The time will come when the Son
of Man and His holy people will possess “the kingdom.”
What will this final glorious dominion be like? It will
not be a local empire, but will include “all peoples, nations, and
languages” under the authority of the great Son of God. It will
also not be a temporary empire, but will stand forever. The realm
will be one of glory not only for the Captain of our salvation, but
also for those who belong to Him. “The kingdom and the dominion and
the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given
to the people of the saints of the Most High; His kingdom shall be an
everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.”
What will be the final condition of tyrants who would
dare to oppose God's appointed Messiah? Rebellious rulers may
proclaim their own supremacy for a season, but they will be given
into the hand of the Almighty. The power of the evil one and his
allies will “be taken away.” He will “be consumed and destroyed
to the end.”
Daniel was overwhelmed by what he saw. “As for me,
Daniel, my thoughts greatly alarmed me.”
We who worship our sovereign God can muse upon our
destiny with great joy. Jesus has already atoned for all our sins
through His death on the cross. His resurrection is our confidence,
and His promises bring us peace. He assures us by His Holy Spirit
that we will be with Him forever in a world of perfect glory.
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord God, a moment
is coming that will signal the end of this present era and the
beginning of the age to come. On that day Your Son will come on
clouds of glory, but until then we will bring the message of Jesus
Christ everywhere. Grant us open doors for the gospel and give Your
servants both desire and strength for the task ahead. Thank You for
the gift of Your Son. His Kingdom shall never be destroyed. We enjoy
many blessings of eternity even now, but we desire the revealing of
the fullness of Your Son’s dominion. You have spoken to Your
prophets about great things concerning men and nations. You also
revealed to them good news about the coming of Jesus. He first served
in a lowly condition, but He shall return with judgment and glory. We
believe Your Word, and we earnestly seek the appearing of Jesus
Christ. Save us, O God!
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