Hosea 13
The northern kingdom of Israel, referred to in this
chapter as “Ephraim,” was a significant regional force in the
life of Judah and the other people groups in the Ancient Near East.
“When Ephraim spoke, there was trembling.” Yet Israel worshiped
Baal and set up “metal images.” Their idolatry led to their own
weakness and destruction. “Like the morning mist,” they were soon
In contrast to the fleeting existence of Jehovah's
wandering family, God would be the everlasting “I Am.” He was the one who led
His people out of Egypt so many centuries before Hosea, yet they
forgot Him and committed themselves to spiritual treachery that would
lead to their sure demise. God would come against them “like a
lion,” and He would “fall upon them like a bear robbed of her
Israel was “an unwise son.” Though the Almighty was
determined to send very severe discipline against Ephraim, He still
affirmed through Hosea His own family relationship with His
rebellious children. His sanction against them could not be eternal.
We see that most clearly now because of Paul's citation of Hosea
13:14 in 1 Corinthians 15:55. “O death, where is your victory? O
death, where is your sting?” These questions were answered by
Isaiah 25:8. “He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God
will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of His people
He will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken.” In
Paul's precise words from 1 Corinthians 15:54, “Death is swallowed
up in victory.”
Returning to the concluding verses of Hosea 14, though
the northern kingdom's life would “dry up,” and though the
capital city of Samaria would “bear her guilt,” there would
remain a future hope for Israel. The good news of resurrection would
one day shine forth, helping the entire world to see the blessing
that has come from the Redeemer's obvious triumph over sin and the
grave. Because of Jesus the church has a reason to work with
confidence (1 Corinthians 15:58), for our King lives forever.
from A
Book of Prayers
Great God, we have
a new hope in Your Son Jesus Christ. Idols cannot help us and we will
not trust in them. You are the Savior who brought us through the
wilderness. Your Son is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He will not
devour Your elect but will protect us. We confess that we have been
unwise sons and daughters, yet through the resurrection of our great
Atoning Sacrifice, the sting of death has been removed far from us.
We have a Redeemer in Jesus Christ and He will never forsake us.
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