Amos 9
“Strike the capitals until the thresholds shake, and
shatter them on the heads of all the people.” The Lord God was
ordering the destruction of the place of divine worship. God's people
would be driven out of the special land that He had given to them.
There was no place for Israel to run and hide. The One
who ruled over heaven and earth would stand against them as their
enemy. His power was formidable as the God who “touches the earth
and it melts.” Could they appeal to Him based upon their favored
status as an elect people group? He discouraged any such entreaties,
calling them a “sinful kingdom.” The Lord had brought them out of
Egypt into Canaan, but then He had also taken even the Philistines
and the Syrians from a former homeland and given them a new life in a
far-off territory. In short, Israel could not presume to point with
pride to their status as a chosen people when they were rebelling
against the Lord's commandments.
Despite these uncompromising words of judgment, there
was still hope for some among the Jews. “I will not utterly destroy
the house of Jacob.” Jehovah announced a future resurrection of a
coming David. “In that day I will raise up the booth of David that
is fallen.” An eternal world of blessing would be brought into
existence, not just for Jews, but also for “all the nations who are
called by My Name.” At a crucial moment in the very early history
of the New Testament church (Acts 15:16-17), James would quote Amos
9:11-12 to prove that the Hebrew prophets had long ago anticipated a
coming era when Gentiles would worship the God of Israel without
first having to become circumcised Jews.
The death and resurrection of Jesus was the beginning of
a new world full of bountiful life for people all over the world.
Without Jesus as our Substitute, we would have no possibility of
fleeing the Lord's devastating justice against us. What an enemy we
would have in the Lord of Hosts! Yet our loving Father has far better
plans for us than unending despair. Because of the righteousness and
blood of Jesus, we know that we have the best of all possible
defenders as our heavenly Advocate. What a Friend we have in Jesus!
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord God, there
will finally come a Day of Judgment. Just as the Old Covenant ended,
the current age will eventually be completed. No man shall be able to
escape from You. Our only hope in that Day will be the great Son of
David, the Lord Jesus Christ. Because He lives, You will not make a
full end of Your people. Through the resurrection of Christ You have
raised up the booth of David. Even the nations who were far off have
now begun to worship You through this Messiah. There will be a great
future era of prosperity for all the Jews and Gentiles who are called
by Your name. Peace and prosperity shall be ours forever in You.
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