Micah 7
“Woe is me!” Micah looked at the cities of Israel
and Judah and found nothing admirable. The godliest among them seemed
to have “perished from the earth.” Every man was eager only to
serve himself, even those leaders who should have set a good example
for others. “The prince and the judge ask for a bribe; and the
great man utters the evil desire of his soul.”
Even among the close circle of friends and family, no
one could be trusted. Where could an honest prophet turn when it
appeared that there were none who remained faithful to the Lord? “I
will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my
God will hear me.” Though everyone else may have abandoned all that
was right, Micah would continue to put his hope in God.
Throughout this time of societal decline, the enemies of
the righteous were emboldened. They saw the discipline of the
Almighty upon the remnant of His people as a sign of God's rejection
of His covenant community. Outsiders were making accusations against
those whom the Lord loved. Micah recalled God's sacred promises and
proclaimed, “Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall
rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.”
Eventually the Lord would publicly vindicate His
faithful servant. The borders of the Promised Land would reach their
fullest measure, and the people of the Lord would dwell securely.
They would know God's special care for them, for the Lord would
“shepherd” His people. Those outside the walls of the kingdom of
God would “turn in dread” to the Lord of glory.
It is fitting that Micah would conclude his book by
extolling the greatness of Israel's Redeemer. “Who is a God like
You, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the
remnant of His inheritance?” Yes, God was disciplining His
children, but He would not “retain His anger forever.” He would
find a way to deal with their “iniquities.” God would surely cast
the sins of His chosen ones “into the depths of the sea.” Through
the blood of our sinless Messiah the debt that stood against the
Lord's beloved worshipers has been fully paid. They are counted as
holy in His sight because of the work of the Son of God.
from A
Book of Prayers
Glorious Lord, have
mercy on Your church. We feel so small in times of trouble. The evil
of the world around us seems to enter quickly into the life of Your
assembly. Our families face unusual disappointments, and our watchmen
become easily corrupted. Grant us wisdom and courage in the day of
difficulty. You will be our help. We look to Your holy Son Jesus, and
we turn away from the sinful pattern of the world all around us.
Gather Your elect, O Lord God. Fill us with joy even in the time of
testing, and provide for us what we need for our lives by Your
marvelous and mighty hand. There is no other god like You. You
delight in steadfast love, and have tread our iniquities underfoot
through the cross of Christ. In Him there is hope for all Your chosen
I am so grateful for these commentaries and prayers as I have been following them since Ecclesiastics. What a gift! I live in Californis but was raised in North Hampton, NH. Hope to visit your church some day. May He continue to work in New England!
Sounds like familiar times. As I was reading this I could relate to the evil that surrounds us even now, and the corruption of our leaders even in these days. There is none no not one who does not do evil in the sight of the Lord, we should thank Him everyday for His tender mercies. There is nothing new under the sun, but PRAISE GOD that we are made new under His Son!!!
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