Zechariah 12
The Lord alone “stretched out the heavens and formed
the earth.” He also created humanity and gave us life. Beginning
with Adam, Jehovah “formed the spirit of man within him.” God
also chose Israel, brought His nation into the land of Canaan, and
eventually made Jerusalem the center of His presence in the world.
His promises concerning the destiny of His covenant children are
uniquely reliable among all those who would venture any opinions
regarding the future.
In the final three chapters of Zechariah the Lord
revealed that a latter era would be seen “on that day.” What did
God intend us to understand by using this phrase? John 19:37 is the
key for our right thinking on these matters since it is an inspired
quotation of Zechariah's words: “They will look on Him whom they
have pierced.” Jesus is the mortally wounded Man of Zechariah 12.
Yet the prophet spoke of God Himself facing suffering. The Lord who
pledged to pour out upon His beloved children “a spirit of grace
and pleas for mercy” would give these gifts “when they look on
Me, on Him whom they have pierced.”
With this sure identification of Jesus in Zechariah 12,
there can be little doubt that the “Judah” and “Jerusalem”
referred to in this same chapter must be that group of believers who
would be united to Christ in His church. “The surrounding peoples”
standing against God's assembly refer to the world that has rejected
the Savior. The salvation of God's city, Jerusalem, points to the
final vindication of the Lord's beloved ones “on that day” when
He fulfills all His promises of grace and judgment.
From the vantage point of the community that originally
heard Zechariah, all of these prophecies concerning the first and
second coming of Jesus were part of one distant future “day,”
while we live in the middle of these sacred events. The initial
arrival of the Messiah has taken place, but the second advent is yet
to be fulfilled. The descendant of David through his son “Nathan”
(Luke 3:31) has already accomplished so much for us. Because our
perfect Mediator lives forever, we have a newly revealed way of
approaching God with confidence.
By the message of apostles and ministers of the Word we
have heard the truth of the death of Christ, and by the Spirit of the
Lord we have repented of our complicity in His sufferings. It was our
sin that brought about the cross, and we see His atonement for us as
our only hope. Therefore we can confess the truth that we have
“looked” on Him whom we have “pierced.” Repentance and faith
have become for us a gateway to the bounty of heaven.
from A
Book of Prayers
Our Father, You
have created the world. You have redeemed a people for a coming day
of new creation. Though there is much tribulation around us, Your
eyes are open and You will not forget us. Even if we are in the midst
of a crowd of strangers, You will know us at once. You will see us
and rescue us, even if everyone to the right and to the left will be
destroyed in their sin. You will give us the grace of the full
salvation that You have shown to us in the resurrection of the Son of
David. He was pierced for us and has become the firstborn among many
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