Matthew 21
As Jesus “drew near to Jerusalem,” He received a
hero's welcome from the crowds, but the religious leaders did not
join in the celebration. Christ was fulfilling important Messianic
passages in the Psalms and the prophets, and performing miracles of
healing and signs of judgment as the Son of God. Many ordinary men
and women concluded that He was “the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth
of Galilee” and the long-awaited “Son of David.” The “priests”
and “scribes,” however, were not shouting “Hosanna!”
The spiritual rulers among the Jews were “indignant”
and openly dismissive of the Man who made the deaf hear and the blind
see. They said to Jesus, “Do you hear what these are saying?” He
offered no apology for the reception He received from the eager
throng, but only quoted Psalm 8:2, “Out of the mouth of infants and
nursing babies You have prepared praise.” The events taking place
in those final days of His life were the fulfillment of centuries of
Old Testament promises.
The “fig tree” of Israel was fruitless and would be
judged by the Almighty. God would raise up a new assembly of
worshipers to follow the King with faith and obedience. “The tax
collectors and the prostitutes” would enter the courts of the Lord
“before” the Sanhedrin. The recognized pillars of society who
were called “the builders” in Psalm 118:22 had “rejected” the
Lord. Christ was the “stone” upon which the church would be
raised up. The haughty had not repented at the message of John the
Baptist, and now they would “fall” on Jesus and be “broken to
The “kingdom” would be “taken away” from the
chief men of the holy city and be “given to a people producing”
appropriate “fruits.” Proud priests and Pharisees knew that Jesus
was speaking parables against them, but what could they do? The
crowds “held Him to be a prophet.” The truth was that Yahweh had
come in person.
from A
Book of Prayers
Father God, You are
in charge of every detail of our redemption. In the most important
week of human history, You sent Your Son into Jerusalem in complete
fulfillment of all prophecy. The salvation that He won for us is
greater than we can even imagine. We ask You to purify our worship
and to make us whole in body and soul. We look for increased
fruitfulness in Your church. Bless us with faith that is able to move
mountains of unbelief. Help us to submissively hear Your voice in the
Scriptures and to obey. Cast out of us any spirit of arrogance or
evil. We want to follow You, O Lord, not only with our lips, but
especially with our lives. Bring many into Your kingdom even today.
You have accomplished a powerful work of grace. Grant us faithfulness
in Your service forever. Our entire being is built upon the Stone
that the builders rejected. He is the one source of eternal life.
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