Mark 6
When Jesus “came to His hometown” of Nazareth, “He
marveled because of their unbelief.” The residents there could not
deny that “mighty works” were being done “by His hands,” yet
they were unwilling to give Him the “honor” that He clearly
Later the Lord sent out His disciples “two by two”
and they “cast out many demons,” healed the sick, and “proclaimed
that people should repent.” Despite the truth that the apostles saw
with their own eyes, even “their hearts were hardened.” When the
twelve saw how Christ fed thousands with just five loaves and two
fish, and then witnessed Him coming to them walking “on the sea,”
they still battled their own inner unwillingness to trust Jesus as
the Savior and the Son of God.
How could so many people resist the obvious? Like us,
the close companions of Jesus lived in a dark world of sin. They knew
the way Herod had treated John the Baptist, a true prophet from the
Almighty. There were so many times when it might have looked like the
arrogance of brutes would destroy the work of God. What would it have
been like for them to follow the Lord to “a desolate place” only
to face the problem of feeding a multitude without any supplies or
preparation? How could any normal adult have responded to seeing
their rabbi traveling by foot on the surface of a tumultuous lake?
Through all of the unsettling experiences where failure
was imminent, the power of the Lord's kingdom was plainly on display
all around them. Who would win in the end, a man who could not even
gain the support of those who had known Him and His family during His
youth, or the powerful ruler in the land who ordered the death of
John the Baptist without any just cause? Worshipers of Christ have
learned the answer: Despite all our doubts and questions, we know
that the Man who walks on water is unstoppable.
from A
Book of Prayers
Father, why should
people reject You? Why do they take offense at Christ? Our best
Prophet is worthy of all honor. Heal us from our remaining unbelief.
We go forth every day to proclaim Your Name and to perform works of
justice, beauty, and order. Glorify Jesus through Your church. When
powerful men attack the righteous, You can send us deliverance. Give
us hope, though foes would stand against us. Grant strength and mercy
to Your persecuted servants. Do miracles of amazing fruitfulness
using Your covenant community. May we see heaven’s blessing come
down upon the earth so that the Holy One of Israel would be lifted
up. Your Son walked on the sea, for there is nothing that is too
difficult for You. We will not be afraid. Our hearts are moved in
devotion to You. We bring You many who are in great need. If we could
touch even the fringe of Your garment on their behalf, we know that
they would be made well.
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