
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Luke 18

Jesus told His disciples a story about an “unrighteous judge” and a persistent widow so that His disciples would remember “that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” If followers of Jesus received everything they wanted instantly and precisely according to their own specifications, then such a parable would have been unnecessary. The faith of the Lord's worshipers is strengthened when they embrace the truth that, despite their disappointments, God “will give justice to them speedily.”
True Christianity insists that we trust in the perfections of Jesus, yet there have always been those who “trusted in themselves that they were righteous and treated others with contempt.” The plea of God's people must not consist of boasting in their own religious achievements. Instead they would do well to say, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” Servants of the Messiah are to be like needy children when they call out to their Father for help. They should also bring even the littlest infants to Jesus for His blessing, despite the obvious inability of the tiniest babies to hear God's Word and obey.
The requirements of salvation are not consistent with spiritual pride and material covetousness. When the Lord's friends heard that difficult message, they reasonably wondered, “Then who can be saved?” Once again, the determination to rely on God rather than self was the best pathway for peace with the Almighty. “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
A blind beggar is a very apt representative for the Lord's church. The confidence of God's assembly is in Jesus, the “Son of David,” and so we cry out in confident petition, “Have mercy!” He alone has fulfilled the words that the prophets had spoken when He was “shamefully treated” and put to death. In His resurrection we have found our greatest encouragement. “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”

Prayer from A Book of Prayers
Our God and King, we come to You in prayer through Jesus Christ. You have instructed us to be persistent in our supplications. You bring justice to the oppressed and mercy to those who humble themselves before You. Keep us far from self-righteousness. Bestow Your blessings even upon our little ones, for Your kingdom belongs to the children of believers. Will we turn away from You? Will our descendants be foolish and desire the world more than You? We love Your Law in our minds, so why do we still disobey Your commandments? Could it be that we want wealth more than You? Save us and assure us of the greatness of Your house. Your Son was delivered over to the Gentiles for us. He was kille and rose again on the third day. Grant that we would see Him rightly. Forgive us, O Lord, and give to us the very best spiritual sight. We will glorify and praise You forever.


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