
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Gildards on the Recent News in France

Dear Prayer Partners,

Several of you have asked about the riots in France.

We have been following American newspapers and TV coverage of France on the internet. There is a huge amount of media distortion going on in the U.S. media. (just a couple of months ago, they were doing the same thing regarding New Orleans): Sensational stories are often not as bad as they appear. The US media portrayal of the riots has become front page news here.

The whole country is not ablaze. There are not armies of rioters all over the streets of France, as the media would have you believe. Small gangs of teenage boys on motor scooters have been driving around at night burning empty parked cars. This is going on in some cities, but certainly not everywhere.

It isn't a Muslim revolt, it is a racial problem. The Muslim leaders are condemning the acts of arson. The Muslim residents of the poor neighborhoods are actually marching in the neighborhoods, protesting against the arson of their own kids! It's gangs of young male criminals, just like you have in the U.S. cities. A number of the arsonists are not even Muslim, but are members of the gangs anyway. The nation's largest Muslim organization has issued a fatwa (a religious command) against further arson. The local imams (muslim clergy) have condemned the violence also. It is, however, a racial problem - nearly all of the gang members are from North Africa or from sub-Saharan Africa. They are angry about the racial discrimination in France - which is quite real.

The attacks are against property, not people. Alot of vehicles and a few buildings have been burned in Paris, and in some of the other cities, but the buildings and cars are empty. The teenagers are not attacking regular civilians. There has been only one death. Ordinary people, like you and me, are pretty safe.

Much of the reason for continued arson, is the slow government reaction. Only after two weeks of this violence, did the city gov't in Paris established a curfew for people under the age of 21. Only recently, are reserve police officers being called in. Only now are road blocks being set up in troubled neighborhoods.

The police are getting this current trouble under control. The curfew has just started, and already the destruction has decreased. And there are still more measures the government can take. The curfew is not all over France. Just in several cities which decided to install it. Marseille has not done this, as we are not experiencing the same problems as the suburbs of Paris.

Our Lord has protected us and provided for our needs. Nevertheless we ask your prayers for the country, that peace would return, and that the Lord would continue to keep us safe.

I hope this helps. We truly appreciate your love, concern and prayers.

In Christ,
Jamie and Jacki


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