
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Monday, September 04, 2006

Back from Romania

It is great to be home, and I am so thankful for an excellent trip. My time with the kids was wonderful (though too short) and my work with Hong Key was fruitful and very useful for my ministry in New Hampshire. Below is a portion of the Sunday School handout from yesterday.

Our mission work in Romania

My recent trip

Family camp in Buzau – teaching on Calvinism

Preaching and meeting in Cluj – Relationship building and teaching

Time with kids we have been praying for

Driving with Hong Key and planning conference for next year

Meeting with Susters – Closing the loop on six years of work together

The Bigger Picture

October, 2000 – Introduction to AG church movement and particular kids

January, 2001 – Introduction to Presbyterian church planting movement

2001-2004 – Personal efforts to have kids come to America

2002-2007 – Presbytery Involvement

2004-2007 and beyond – 2nd stage of Presbyterian movement

Conclusion: What has seemed to work? Building relationships and teaching

“Pillars” of Calvinism

1. The glory of God

2. The surprising depth of man’s sin

3. The all-sufficient savior – Jesus Christ

4. The powerful and orderly new testament life of prayer, sacraments, and the ministry of the word

5. The resulting transformation of the world by the power of God and for the glory of God

(Contrast with Islam: 1. Witness, 2. Prayer, 3. Charity, 4. Fasting, and 5. Pilgramage)

Romans 11:36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

Romans 11:36 Din El, prin El, şi pentru El sînt toate lucrurile. A Lui să fie gloria în veci veci! Amin.

The Post-Christian Environment of Europe and America

1. Family

2. Church planting

3. Works of mercy

4. Educational reform

5. God and every opportunity that He grants…


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