
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Thankful for the gift of family

We have been very blessed during this vacation. I am thankful for the gift of my wife and our family. I was reading this morning about the gift to Adam of Eve - the crowning achievement of creation.

I was also reading in Joshua about Rahab the prostitute. This hero of the faith (Hebrews 11) was brought into the household of the God of Israel.

The other night we watched the movie "Nicholas Nickelby" based on the Dickens novel. The movie contains this memorable quote based on what the characters have learned over the course of their trials: "They came to see that family need not be defined merely as those with whom they share blood but... those for whom they would give their blood."

Sacrificial commitment defines family. Christ gave his blood for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... but also for Rahab, and for the church that includes my household today, loved ones we continue to communicate with in Romania, Hong Key, Roman and Sasha... We are family. For this I am also very grateful.


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