
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Saturday, June 16, 2007

An Excellent Account of the Full FV Debate

Check this link out for a good record of the debate:

I just sent this note to Dr. Clark, adding a few other points:
Dear Dr. Clark,

Thank you for your excellent account of the exciting debate on the floor of the 35th GA.

A few notes that I thought might be significant for the record:

There were two speeches that were extremely persuasive to the Assembly in my opinion. You summarized them both very well. The first was the speech by Dr. Sproul. That speech was essentially against the substitute by being so strongly for the original main motion to approve the report. The second was by respected TE David Coffin, essentially for the original main motion by being against the substitute motion to postpone, carefully addressing each of the three points in the reasoning for the postponement and powerfully speaking against each of those reasons. After those two speeches you could sense that it was over, and people were ready to vote - which they did. I just wanted to note David Coffin's name, since it was missing from your summary - which may become a matter of historical record.

One other note: After the report was approved, the Assembly sang #521 "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness." This should not be forgotten. It was very moving. It seemed like all the commissioners were there for this debate. I thought that it was one of finest moments in the history of our young denomination.

One final word: If you have not seen Dr. Chapell's message from the Thursday evening worship, I believe that it was an historic occasion. He noted the slogan "Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission" and called this slogan surprisingly prophetic. We began by fighting the good fight for the Scriptures, we then (since the eighties) have been battling over what the reformed faith is. With this decisive action, it is time for us to move strongly forward with some solid institutions and faithful practices to be obedient to the Great Commission - making disciples: going, baptizing, teaching them to observe all that Christ has commanded. It was a wonderful moment.

By the way - O. Palmer Robertson was standing at the microphones when debate was cut off by the Assembly. I would have liked to hear what he was going to say, but I confess that I voted to call for the question since the movement of the Assembly was so clearly against the postponement and for the original report, that I did not want us to take any chances.

Every Blessing in Christ,
TE Steve Magee
Exeter Presbyterian Church
Northern New England Presbytery


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