Morning Devotion - Eccl 3
Read Ecclesiastes 3
In this chapter we have the end of the first cycle, and the introduction to the second cycle.
The famous passage that closes the first cycle is made of 14 pairs of statements about time. Time is given to us. The reason why "there is a time" for various activities and emotions over the course of an individual life or the life of a community or nation is that there is a Sovereign God who rules over all.
At the center of this section is the end of couplet 7 and the beginning of couplet 8. Consider these statements in light of the work of God to gather His people for His own sovereign glory.
Ecclesiastes 3:5 ...a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace,...
God is gathering stones as He builds His holy temple. He has embraced us through the death of his son, the Bridegroom for His bride, the church.
The introduction to cycle 2 reinforces the message of fleeting futility that we examined in chapter 1 (see 3:9, 15, 16, 19-21) . But there is more of the answer given to us this time. God is the Giver. We can and must enjoy the gifts. God is the judge who has put the yearning for eternity in the hearts of men (3:11).
Praise the Lord for the One who has gathered us and embraced us. We have the longing of our hearts satisfied forever only in the One who is both sovereign Judge and loving Husband.
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