Isaiah 33
When we come to the conclusion that “
In Isaiah 33, God addresses
Do not think of this in terms of the success of any nation on the field of battle. Think first of the spiritual warfare of the church as the Lord establishes His kingdom. We who believe in the grace of God need this grace every day. We who face the fiery darts of the enemy’s suggestions of sin need the Lord’s strong arm every morning. We would be so easily diverted from the calling of the Lord, were He not our salvation in every time of trouble.
I wonder what the forces of the enemy would look like to our eyes if we could see them as they are? We are told to resist the devil and He will flee from us. What does he look like, and where are his allies and co-belligerents? No matter, since they will all have to flee when the Lord sounds His war cry against them. He can come against them with legions of angels in the day of His power. He will be exalted. He can cleanse the church of all wickedness, purify us from all sin, and fill us with heavenly treasures. As the destroyer is permitted his day of victory against the people of God for the purpose of the Almighty, the ultimate plans of God shall not be overturned. That destroying enemy will be ashamed in the day of the Lord’s power.
God knows how to win against any proud foe. Not only is His victory assured, but we will be cheering Him on, and acknowledging His righteousness and His might. Somehow when man is left to descend into wicked rebellion, he imagines that he will be able to get into the ring with any adversary, and that He will be quick and powerful enough to win any wrestling match. Is there a god who would challenge him? “Bring Him on,” he says. These may as well be the proud man’s final words of boasting.
There is only One man who can pass through the everlasting burnings from the fire of the Almighty and then live again. He is the righteous One, our King and Savior. Those who believe in Him will behold His great beauty in a land that stretches to the horizon. The proud man will not be able to dwell there. The humble servant of the Lord will be safe in that place. To think that our eyes will one day see heaven! We long for that great
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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