Isaiah 41
Even the simplest events in any man’s life are the result of a complex chain of causation. I recently had a meeting with a friend to discuss facilities issues. Why did we have that meeting? I know this person to be a reliable advisor on these issues and we need some outside advice. Why do I know this person in this way? I met this person as part of a civic organization and have seen his excellence in a variety of real estate matters? Why was I in that civic organization?... We can trace these matters batter for along time. Do we ever come back to a root cause? Yes, the uncaused cause of all things is God. This is true of all things in our lives, though we rarely take the time to meditate upon God’s works that have led us to this very moment.
Here in Isaiah 41, God indicates that He is the one who is the root cause behind all of the power struggles of international events in the
God’s plan for His nation
God knows what is necessary in order to show His favor to people who will be objects of His mercy. He understands that there are strong enemies who would destroy them, and would overturn the plan of God if that were within their power. He is able to defeat all such enemies, seen and unseen, and to take even the weakness of His people to show forth His great strength. When He does things for us that are obviously beyond our power, it would be the height of ingratitude to then claim the victory for our own wisdom or strength. We who have a heavenly victory should especially consider how miraculous that gift is, and then we should rejoice in the Lord. Like streams of water springing up in the bone-dry dessert, our victory comes from the God who alone can save us from certain destruction.
How are we to think about the Assyrians or any other hostile power? Surely their threat is very real and frightening to us. But we need to consider all the facts. Do the Assyrians know the future? Can they declare things and by the power of inherent existence bring them about? Where did they come from anyway? If we worked back from the frightening events of anything that they might pretend to do by their idols, will we not always come back to the God of providence? He stirred up one group from the north and another from the east. Have nations been defeated along the way? Work back from that event and come to the root cause. We will always come back to God.
This God, who would one day send the Babylonians for His purposes of discipline, would also eventually send a herald of good news for His people. He would send more than a herald, since the man Christ Jesus, having performed signs of divinity, and having achieved all righteousness, would display His supreme power in redemptive love. This great Wisdom of God would one day again sit at the right hand of His Father, and send forth the divine counselor for the church, His Holy Spirit. This Spirit would work faith through the Word of God whenever and wherever He would be pleased to do so.
Do not be confused into thinking that you are the root cause of any victory here or hereafter. The everlasting God is with you, and has secured your redemption in the death and resurrection of His Son.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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