Ezekiel 1
The exile of
Though Ezekiel was far from
From out of that cloud Ezekiel saw four mysterious angelic creatures. They seemed metallic and yet with the appearance of animal features, and very much alive and on the move. They had multiple wings, and these were perfectly coordinated with each other. These creatures were moving in accord with the Spirit in a way that is hard to imagine. The image of lightening is used to describe this motion. They appeared to be like red-hot coals, and yet they were not being consumed.
The other thing that was so striking about these creatures was their mechanism for motion. They seemed to have some ball-bearing-like structure that could move them in any direction. These transporting mechanisms were full of eyes, all completely submissive to the will of the Spirit. These creatures were clearly powerful and frightening to behold, not only because of their unusual appearance and their motion, but also as a result of their sound. It was a sound of a great tumult like an army.
A voice above the heads of these creatures was also mentioned. The voice did not come from the creatures, but from the expanse in the skies above them. There above was a sapphire-like throne, and above this was some being with a human appearance, also with some metallic-like features and fire. There was a shining brightness all around Him. Can there be any doubt that Ezekiel had been brought into the throne room of the Lord Almighty, and yet the one above the throne was a glorified Son of Man.
In the skies above Him was a great bow in the clouds, reminding us of the covenant that God had given that communicated peace to humanity in the days of Noah. What Ezekiel saw does not appear to be earth. Noah’s covenant was for the earth during the period after the flood and continuing forward as long as this age of sin should last. In that covenant sign of the rainbow in the heavens God’s attribute of judicial restraint shined forth. The world deserved the continual wrath of God as was once expressed in the flood, but the Lord had determined to show His restraint so that His plans for humanity might move forward, despite the continual offence of our sin.
While visions of the heavenly sanctuary and representations of the glory of the Lord were unusual, when they did happen, it was very normal for the man who saw them to be overwhelmed, and to fall on his face. This was what Ezekiel did. God was ready to call His prophet. He had suddenly brought this exiled priest to a better temple than the one in
Some years later, God sent His Son to His people
He came from heaven, amidst the glorious presence of angels that filled that place, but this baby was not born in a palace. He was born a manger, for it was His destiny to live in a low condition. He would return to the glory cloud one day, but the way to that day would cross through even greater troubles. As the prophets of the Old Testament had suffered at the hands of men, God’s Incarnate Word would be rejected by many. He would speak the truth perfectly, and live out the wonder of God’s salvation through amazing miraculous signs. He would teach people concerning the fulfillment of the long-expected Messianic Kingdom of God. Very few would seem to have ears to hear His message, and many who made a start in following Him would eventually fall away.
This great Lord would die for us, and then rise again. Though He had been brought so very low, suffering as a sin offering to purify the heavenly sanctuary for the presence of redeemed sinners, He would give a great high priestly blessing upon His disciples as He returned home. We look to Him now, who has once again ascended into the glory cloud. We do not see His face, but we hear His Word and are filled with His Spirit. We shall soon be home with Him, for we will be in His glorious presence forever.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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