Ezekiel 7
“An end!” We are moving toward an end. The end is in God’s hand, and it always has been in God’s hand. That end will be glorious, so glorious that we live today in the light of that coming day. That end will not be a mere local end. It will be global. In the day of Ezekiel a lesser “end” came for Judah and Israel. Though that was not the big end, it was very big for the people who lived through it. That end came upon the four corners of Israel. The bigger coming day will come upon the four corners of the entire earth. That day will not only be a day of wrath. It will be a day of the fullest salvation for the people of God. It is the beauty of that salvation that gives us courage and strength as we feel the horror of smaller ends that come upon us in the trials that the Lord ordains for his people and his church in the current age.
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